Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module:
5 Author: Daniel Kroening, kroening@cs.cmu.edu
7 \*******************************************************************/
9 #include "expr2java.h"
11 #include <util/namespace.h>
12 #include <util/std_expr.h>
13 #include <util/unicode.h>
14 #include <util/arith_tools.h>
15 #include <util/ieee_float.h>
17 #include <ansi-c/c_misc.h>
18 #include <ansi-c/expr2c_class.h>
20 #include "java_expr.h"
21 #include "java_qualifiers.h"
23 #include "java_types.h"
25 std::string expr2javat::convert(const typet &src)
26 {
27  return convert_rec(src, java_qualifierst(ns), "");
28 }
30 std::string expr2javat::convert(const exprt &src)
31 {
32  return expr2ct::convert(src);
33 }
36  const code_function_callt &src,
37  unsigned indent)
38 {
39  if(src.operands().size()!=3)
40  {
41  unsigned precedence;
42  return convert_norep(src, precedence);
43  }
45  std::string dest=indent_str(indent);
47  if(src.lhs().is_not_nil())
48  {
49  unsigned p;
50  std::string lhs_str=convert_with_precedence(src.lhs(), p);
52  dest+=lhs_str;
53  dest+='=';
54  }
56  const java_method_typet &method_type =
59  bool has_this = method_type.has_this() && !src.arguments().empty();
61  if(has_this)
62  {
63  unsigned p;
64  std::string this_str=convert_with_precedence(src.arguments()[0], p);
65  dest+=this_str;
66  dest+=" . "; // extra spaces for readability
67  }
69  {
70  unsigned p;
71  std::string function_str=convert_with_precedence(src.function(), p);
72  dest+=function_str;
73  }
75  dest+='(';
77  const exprt::operandst &arguments=src.arguments();
79  bool first=true;
81  forall_expr(it, arguments)
82  {
83  if(has_this && it==arguments.begin())
84  {
85  }
86  else
87  {
88  unsigned p;
89  std::string arg_str=convert_with_precedence(*it, p);
91  if(first)
92  first=false;
93  else
94  dest+=", ";
95  dest+=arg_str;
96  }
97  }
99  dest+=");";
101  return dest;
102 }
105  const exprt &src,
106  unsigned &precedence)
107 {
108  const typet &full_type=ns.follow(src.type());
110  if(full_type.id()!=ID_struct)
111  return convert_norep(src, precedence);
113  const struct_typet &struct_type=to_struct_type(full_type);
115  std::string dest="{ ";
117  const struct_typet::componentst &components=
118  struct_type.components();
121  components.size() == src.operands().size(),
122  "inconsistent number of components");
124  exprt::operandst::const_iterator o_it=src.operands().begin();
126  bool first=true;
127  size_t last_size=0;
129  for(const auto &c : components)
130  {
132  c.type().id() != ID_code, "struct member must not be of code type");
134  std::string tmp = convert(*o_it);
135  std::string sep;
137  if(first)
138  first = false;
139  else
140  {
141  if(last_size + 40 < dest.size())
142  {
143  sep = ",\n ";
144  last_size = dest.size();
145  }
146  else
147  sep = ", ";
148  }
150  dest += sep;
151  dest += '.';
152  irep_idt field_name = c.get_pretty_name();
153  if(field_name.empty())
154  field_name = c.get_name();
155  dest += id2string(field_name);
156  dest += '=';
157  dest += tmp;
159  o_it++;
160  }
162  dest+=" }";
164  return dest;
165 }
168  const constant_exprt &src,
169  unsigned &precedence)
170 {
171  if(src.type().id()==ID_c_bool)
172  {
173  if(!src.is_zero())
174  return "true";
175  else
176  return "false";
177  }
178  else if(src.is_boolean())
179  {
180  if(src.is_true())
181  return "true";
182  else if(src.is_false())
183  return "false";
184  }
185  else if(src.type().id()==ID_pointer)
186  {
187  // Java writes 'null' for the null reference
188  if(src.is_zero())
189  return "null";
190  }
191  else if(src.type()==java_char_type())
192  {
193  std::string dest;
194  dest.reserve(char_representation_length);
196  const char16_t int_value = numeric_cast_v<char16_t>(src);
198  // Character literals in Java have type 'char', thus no cast is needed.
199  // This is different from C, where charater literals have type 'int'.
200  dest += '\'' + utf16_native_endian_to_java(int_value) + '\'';
201  return dest;
202  }
203  else if(src.type()==java_byte_type())
204  {
205  // No byte-literals in Java, so just cast:
206  const mp_integer int_value = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(src);
207  std::string dest="(byte)";
208  dest+=integer2string(int_value);
209  return dest;
210  }
211  else if(src.type()==java_short_type())
212  {
213  // No short-literals in Java, so just cast:
214  const mp_integer int_value = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(src);
215  std::string dest="(short)";
216  dest+=integer2string(int_value);
217  return dest;
218  }
219  else if(src.type()==java_long_type())
220  {
221  // long integer literals must have 'L' at the end
222  const mp_integer int_value = numeric_cast_v<mp_integer>(src);
223  std::string dest=integer2string(int_value);
224  dest+='L';
225  return dest;
226  }
227  else if((src.type()==java_float_type()) ||
228  (src.type()==java_double_type()))
229  {
230  // This converts NaNs to the canonical NaN
231  const ieee_floatt ieee_repr(to_constant_expr(src));
232  if(ieee_repr.is_double())
233  return floating_point_to_java_string(ieee_repr.to_double());
234  return floating_point_to_java_string(ieee_repr.to_float());
235  }
238  return expr2ct::convert_constant(src, precedence);
239 }
242  const typet &src,
243  const qualifierst &qualifiers,
244  const std::string &declarator)
245 {
246  std::unique_ptr<qualifierst> clone = qualifiers.clone();
247  qualifierst &new_qualifiers = *clone;
248  new_qualifiers.read(src);
250  const std::string d = declarator.empty() ? declarator : (" " + declarator);
252  const std::string q=
253  new_qualifiers.as_string();
255  if(src==java_int_type())
256  return q+"int"+d;
257  else if(src==java_long_type())
258  return q+"long"+d;
259  else if(src==java_short_type())
260  return q+"short"+d;
261  else if(src==java_byte_type())
262  return q+"byte"+d;
263  else if(src==java_char_type())
264  return q+"char"+d;
265  else if(src==java_float_type())
266  return q+"float"+d;
267  else if(src==java_double_type())
268  return q+"double"+d;
269  else if(src==java_boolean_type())
270  return q+"boolean"+d;
271  else if(src==java_byte_type())
272  return q+"byte"+d;
273  else if(src.id()==ID_code)
274  {
275  const java_method_typet &method_type = to_java_method_type(src);
277  // Java doesn't really have syntax for function types,
278  // so we make one up, loosely inspired by the syntax
279  // of lambda expressions.
281  std::string dest;
283  dest+='(';
284  const java_method_typet::parameterst &parameters = method_type.parameters();
286  for(java_method_typet::parameterst::const_iterator it = parameters.begin();
287  it != parameters.end();
288  it++)
289  {
290  if(it!=parameters.begin())
291  dest+=", ";
293  dest+=convert(it->type());
294  }
296  if(method_type.has_ellipsis())
297  {
298  if(!parameters.empty())
299  dest+=", ";
300  dest+="...";
301  }
303  dest+=')';
305  const typet &return_type = method_type.return_type();
306  dest+=" -> "+convert(return_type);
308  return q + dest;
309  }
310  else
311  return expr2ct::convert_rec(src, qualifiers, declarator);
312 }
315 {
316  return id2string(ID_this);
317 }
320 {
321  const auto &instanceof_expr = to_java_instanceof_expr(src);
323  return convert(instanceof_expr.tested_expr()) + " instanceof " +
324  convert(instanceof_expr.target_type());
325 }
327 std::string expr2javat::convert_code_java_new(const exprt &src, unsigned indent)
328 {
329  return indent_str(indent) + convert_java_new(src) + ";\n";
330 }
332 std::string expr2javat::convert_java_new(const exprt &src)
333 {
334  std::string dest;
336  if(src.get(ID_statement)==ID_java_new_array ||
337  src.get(ID_statement)==ID_java_new_array_data)
338  {
339  dest="new";
341  std::string tmp_size=
342  convert(static_cast<const exprt &>(src.find(ID_size)));
344  dest+=' ';
345  dest += convert(to_pointer_type(src.type()).base_type());
346  dest+='[';
347  dest+=tmp_size;
348  dest+=']';
349  }
350  else
351  dest = "new " + convert(to_pointer_type(src.type()).base_type());
353  return dest;
354 }
357  const exprt &src,
358  unsigned indent)
359 {
360  std::string dest=indent_str(indent)+"delete ";
362  if(src.operands().size()!=1)
363  {
364  unsigned precedence;
365  return convert_norep(src, precedence);
366  }
368  std::string tmp = convert(to_unary_expr(src).op());
370  dest+=tmp+";\n";
372  return dest;
373 }
376  const exprt &src,
377  unsigned &precedence)
378 {
379  if(src.id()=="java-this")
380  {
381  precedence = 15;
382  return convert_java_this();
383  }
384  if(src.id()==ID_java_instanceof)
385  {
386  precedence = 15;
387  return convert_java_instanceof(src);
388  }
389  else if(src.id()==ID_side_effect &&
390  (src.get(ID_statement)==ID_java_new ||
391  src.get(ID_statement)==ID_java_new_array ||
392  src.get(ID_statement)==ID_java_new_array_data))
393  {
394  precedence = 15;
395  return convert_java_new(src);
396  }
397  else if(src.id()==ID_side_effect &&
398  src.get(ID_statement)==ID_throw)
399  {
400  precedence = 16;
401  return convert_function(src, "throw");
402  }
403  else if(src.id()==ID_code &&
404  to_code(src).get_statement()==ID_exception_landingpad)
405  {
406  const exprt &catch_expr=
408  return "catch_landingpad("+
409  convert(catch_expr.type())+
410  ' '+
411  convert(catch_expr)+
412  ')';
413  }
414  else if(src.id()==ID_unassigned)
415  return "?";
416  else if(src.id()=="pod_constructor")
417  return "pod_constructor";
418  else if(src.id()==ID_virtual_function)
419  {
420  const class_method_descriptor_exprt &virtual_function =
422  return "CLASS_METHOD_DESCRIPTOR(" + id2string(virtual_function.class_id()) +
423  "." + id2string(virtual_function.mangled_method_name()) + ")";
424  }
425  else if(
426  const auto &literal = expr_try_dynamic_cast<java_string_literal_exprt>(src))
427  {
428  return '"' + MetaString(id2string(literal->value())) + '"';
429  }
430  else if(src.is_constant())
431  return convert_constant(to_constant_expr(src), precedence=16);
432  else
433  return expr2ct::convert_with_precedence(src, precedence);
434 }
437  const codet &src,
438  unsigned indent)
439 {
440  const irep_idt &statement=src.get(ID_statement);
442  if(statement==ID_java_new ||
443  statement==ID_java_new_array)
444  return convert_code_java_new(src, indent);
446  if(statement==ID_function_call)
449  return expr2ct::convert_code(src, indent);
450 }
452 std::string expr2java(const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
453 {
454  expr2javat expr2java(ns);
455  expr2java.get_shorthands(expr);
456  return expr2java.convert(expr);
457 }
459 std::string type2java(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
460 {
461  expr2javat expr2java(ns);
462  return expr2java.convert(type);
463 }
std::string MetaString(const std::string &in)
Definition: c_misc.cpp:95
ANSI-C Misc Utilities.
An expression describing a method on a class.
Definition: std_expr.h:3495
const irep_idt & class_id() const
Unique identifier in the symbol table, of the compile time type of the class which this expression is...
Definition: std_expr.h:3540
const irep_idt & mangled_method_name() const
The method name after mangling it by combining it with the descriptor.
Definition: std_expr.h:3532
goto_instruction_codet representation of a function call statement.
const exprt & catch_expr() const
Definition: std_code.h:1948
const typet & return_type() const
Definition: std_types.h:689
bool has_this() const
Definition: std_types.h:660
bool has_ellipsis() const
Definition: std_types.h:655
const parameterst & parameters() const
Definition: std_types.h:699
Data structure for representing an arbitrary statement in a program.
Definition: std_code_base.h:29
A constant literal expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:2987
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
bool empty() const
Definition: dstring.h:89
std::optional< std::string > convert_function(const exprt &src)
Returns a string if src is a function with a known conversion, else returns nullopt.
Definition: expr2c.cpp:4074
static std::string indent_str(unsigned indent)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:2550
std::string convert_code(const codet &src)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:3436
std::string convert_norep(const exprt &src, unsigned &precedence)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:1618
virtual std::string convert_rec(const typet &src, const qualifierst &qualifiers, const std::string &declarator)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:219
virtual std::string convert_constant(const constant_exprt &src, unsigned &precedence)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:1774
const namespacet & ns
Definition: expr2c_class.h:55
virtual std::string convert_with_precedence(const exprt &src, unsigned &precedence)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:3639
virtual std::string convert(const typet &src)
Definition: expr2c.cpp:214
std::string convert_code_java_new(const exprt &src, unsigned precedence)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:327
virtual std::string convert_rec(const typet &src, const qualifierst &qualifiers, const std::string &declarator) override
Definition: expr2java.cpp:241
std::string convert_java_new(const exprt &src)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:332
virtual std::string convert_struct(const exprt &src, unsigned &precedence) override
Definition: expr2java.cpp:104
virtual std::string convert_with_precedence(const exprt &src, unsigned &precedence) override
Definition: expr2java.cpp:375
std::string convert_code_java_delete(const exprt &src, unsigned precedence)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:356
std::string convert_code_function_call(const code_function_callt &src, unsigned indent)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:35
const std::size_t char_representation_length
Definition: expr2java.h:50
virtual std::string convert_code(const codet &src, unsigned indent) override
Definition: expr2java.cpp:436
std::string convert_java_instanceof(const exprt &src)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:319
virtual std::string convert(const typet &src) override
Definition: expr2java.cpp:25
std::string convert_java_this()
Definition: expr2java.cpp:314
virtual std::string convert_constant(const constant_exprt &src, unsigned &precedence) override
Definition: expr2java.cpp:167
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
std::vector< exprt > operandst
Definition: expr.h:58
bool is_true() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing true.
Definition: expr.cpp:27
bool is_boolean() const
Return whether the expression represents a Boolean.
Definition: expr.h:224
bool is_false() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing false.
Definition: expr.cpp:34
bool is_zero() const
Return whether the expression is a constant representing 0.
Definition: expr.cpp:47
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
bool is_constant() const
Return whether the expression is a constant.
Definition: expr.h:212
operandst & operands()
Definition: expr.h:94
bool is_double() const
float to_float() const
Note that calling from_float -> to_float can return different bit patterns for NaN.
double to_double() const
Note that calling from_double -> to_double can return different bit patterns for NaN.
const irept & find(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:93
const irep_idt & get(const irep_idt &name) const
Definition: irep.cpp:44
bool is_not_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:368
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:384
std::vector< parametert > parameterst
Definition: std_types.h:585
const typet & follow(const typet &) const
Resolve type symbol to the type it points to.
Definition: namespace.cpp:49
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
const typet & base_type() const
The type of the data what we point to.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:35
virtual std::unique_ptr< qualifierst > clone() const =0
virtual std::string as_string() const =0
virtual void read(const typet &src)=0
Structure type, corresponds to C style structs.
Definition: std_types.h:231
const componentst & components() const
Definition: std_types.h:147
std::vector< componentt > componentst
Definition: std_types.h:140
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
std::string type2java(const typet &type, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:459
std::string expr2java(const exprt &expr, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: expr2java.cpp:452
std::string floating_point_to_java_string(float_type value)
Convert floating point number to a string without printing unnecessary zeros.
Definition: expr2java.h:60
#define forall_expr(it, expr)
Definition: expr.h:32
const code_function_callt & to_code_function_call(const goto_instruction_codet &code)
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:40
Java-specific exprt subclasses.
const java_instanceof_exprt & to_java_instanceof_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a java_instanceof_exprt.
Definition: java_expr.h:86
Java-specific type qualifiers.
Representation of a constant Java string.
signedbv_typet java_int_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:31
signedbv_typet java_byte_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:55
signedbv_typet java_short_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:49
floatbv_typet java_double_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:73
floatbv_typet java_float_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:67
c_bool_typet java_boolean_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:79
unsignedbv_typet java_char_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:61
signedbv_typet java_long_type()
Definition: java_types.cpp:43
const java_method_typet & to_java_method_type(const typet &type)
Definition: java_types.h:183
const std::string integer2string(const mp_integer &n, unsigned base)
Definition: mp_arith.cpp:103
const pointer_typet & to_pointer_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a pointer_typet.
Definition: pointer_expr.h:93
BigInt mp_integer
Definition: smt_terms.h:17
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
Definition: invariant.h:534
static code_landingpadt & to_code_landingpad(codet &code)
Definition: std_code.h:1972
const codet & to_code(const exprt &expr)
API to expression classes.
const constant_exprt & to_constant_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a constant_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:3037
const unary_exprt & to_unary_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a unary_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:426
const class_method_descriptor_exprt & to_class_method_descriptor_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a class_method_descriptor_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:3585
const struct_typet & to_struct_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:308
static void utf16_native_endian_to_java(const wchar_t ch, std::ostringstream &result, const std::locale &loc)
Escapes non-printable characters, whitespace except for spaces, double- and single-quotes and backsla...
Definition: unicode.cpp:317