Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Dynamic frame condition checking for function and loop contracts.
5 Author: Qinheping Hu, qinhh@amazon.com
6 Author: Remi Delmas delmasrd@amazon.com
8 Date: March 2023
10 \*******************************************************************/
12 #include "dfcc_cfg_info.h"
14 #include <util/c_types.h>
15 #include <util/format_expr.h>
16 #include <util/fresh_symbol.h>
17 #include <util/pointer_expr.h>
20 #include <analyses/natural_loops.h>
25 #include "dfcc_is_cprover_symbol.h"
26 #include "dfcc_library.h"
28 #include "dfcc_loop_tags.h"
29 #include "dfcc_root_object.h"
30 #include "dfcc_utils.h"
33 static const exprt::operandst &
35 {
36  return static_cast<const exprt &>(
37  latch_target->condition().find(ID_C_spec_assigns))
38  .operands();
39 }
42 static const exprt::operandst &
44 {
45  return static_cast<const exprt &>(
46  latch_target->condition().find(ID_C_spec_loop_invariant))
47  .operands();
48 }
51 static const exprt::operandst &
53 {
54  return static_cast<const exprt &>(
55  latch_target->condition().find(ID_C_spec_decreases))
56  .operands();
57 }
61 static bool has_contract(const goto_programt::const_targett &latch_target)
62 {
63  return !get_assigns(latch_target).empty() ||
64  !get_invariants(latch_target).empty() ||
65  !get_decreases(latch_target).empty();
66 }
68 void dfcc_loop_infot::output(std::ostream &out) const
69 {
70  out << "dfcc_loop_id: " << loop_id << "\n";
71  out << "cbmc_loop_id: " << cbmc_loop_id << "\n";
72  out << "local: {";
73  for(auto &id : local)
74  {
75  out << id << ", ";
76  }
77  out << "}\n";
79  out << "tracked: {";
80  for(auto &id : tracked)
81  {
82  out << id << ", ";
83  }
84  out << "}\n";
86  out << "write_set: " << format(write_set_var) << "\n";
88  out << "addr_of_write_set: " << format(addr_of_write_set_var) << "\n";
90  out << "assigns: {";
91  for(auto &expr : assigns)
92  {
93  out << format(expr) << ", ";
94  }
95  out << "}\n";
97  out << "invariant: " << format(invariant) << "\n";
99  out << "decreases: {";
100  for(auto &expr : decreases)
101  {
102  out << format(expr) << ", ";
103  }
104  out << "}\n";
106  out << "inner loops: {"
107  << "\n";
108  for(auto &id : inner_loops)
109  {
110  out << id << ", ";
111  }
112  out << "}\n";
114  out << "outer loops: {"
115  << "\n";
116  for(auto &id : outer_loops)
117  {
118  out << id << ", ";
119  }
120  out << "}\n";
121 }
123 std::optional<goto_programt::targett>
125 {
126  for(auto target = goto_program.instructions.begin();
127  target != goto_program.instructions.end();
128  target++)
129  {
130  if(dfcc_is_loop_head(target) && dfcc_has_loop_id(target, loop_id))
131  {
132  return target;
133  }
134  }
135  return {};
136 }
138 std::optional<goto_programt::targett>
140 {
141  std::optional<goto_programt::targett> result = std::nullopt;
142  for(auto target = goto_program.instructions.begin();
143  target != goto_program.instructions.end();
144  target++)
145  {
146  // go until the end because we want to find the very last occurrence
147  if(dfcc_is_loop_latch(target) && dfcc_has_loop_id(target, loop_id))
148  {
149  result = target;
150  }
151  }
152  return result;
153 }
155 static std::optional<goto_programt::targett> check_has_contract_rec(
156  const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph,
157  const std::size_t loop_idx,
158  const bool must_have_contract)
159 {
160  const auto &node = loop_nesting_graph[loop_idx];
161  if(must_have_contract && !has_contract(node.latch))
162  return node.head;
164  for(const auto pred_idx : loop_nesting_graph.get_predecessors(loop_idx))
165  {
166  auto result = check_has_contract_rec(
167  loop_nesting_graph, pred_idx, has_contract(node.latch));
168  if(result.has_value())
169  return result;
170  }
171  return {};
172 }
177 static std::optional<goto_programt::targett> check_inner_loops_have_contracts(
178  const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph)
179 {
180  for(std::size_t idx = 0; idx < loop_nesting_graph.size(); idx++)
181  {
182  if(loop_nesting_graph.get_successors(idx).empty())
183  {
184  auto result = check_has_contract_rec(loop_nesting_graph, idx, false);
185  if(result.has_value())
186  return result;
187  }
188  }
189  return {};
190 }
196  goto_programt &goto_program,
197  dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph)
198 {
199  for(const auto &idx : loop_nesting_graph.topsort())
200  {
201  auto &node = loop_nesting_graph[idx];
202  auto &head = node.head;
203  auto &latch = node.latch;
204  auto &instruction_iterators = node.instructions;
206  dfcc_set_loop_head(head);
207  dfcc_set_loop_latch(latch);
209  for(goto_programt::targett t : instruction_iterators)
210  {
211  // Skip instructions that are already tagged and belong to inner loops.
212  auto loop_id_opt = dfcc_get_loop_id(t);
213  if(loop_id_opt.has_value())
214  continue;
216  dfcc_set_loop_id(t, idx);
218  if(t != head && t != latch)
221  if(t->is_goto() && !instruction_iterators.contains(t->get_target()))
222  {
224  }
225  }
226  }
228  auto top_level_id = loop_nesting_graph.size();
230  // tag remaining instructions as top level
231  for(auto target = goto_program.instructions.begin();
232  target != goto_program.instructions.end();
233  target++)
234  {
235  // Skip instructions that are already tagged (belong to loops).
236  auto loop_id_opt = dfcc_get_loop_id(target);
237  if(loop_id_opt.has_value())
238  {
239  continue;
240  }
241  dfcc_set_loop_id(target, top_level_id);
242  dfcc_set_loop_top_level(target);
243  }
244 }
246 static bool is_assigned(dirtyt &dirty, const irep_idt &ident, assignst assigns)
247 {
248  PRECONDITION(!dirty(ident));
249  // For each assigns clause target
250  for(const auto &expr : assigns)
251  {
252  auto root_objects = dfcc_root_objects(expr);
253  for(const auto &root_object : root_objects)
254  {
255  if(
256  root_object.id() == ID_symbol &&
257  expr_try_dynamic_cast<symbol_exprt>(root_object)->get_identifier() ==
258  ident)
259  {
260  return true;
261  }
262  // If `root_object` is not a symbol, then it contains a combination of
263  // address-of and dereference operators that cannot be statically
264  // resolved to a symbol.
265  // Since we know `ident` is not dirty, we know that dereference
266  // operations cannot land on that `ident`. So the root_object cannot
267  // describe a memory location within the object backing that ident.
268  // We conclude that ident is not assigned by this target and move on to
269  // the next target.
270  }
271  }
272  return false;
273 }
277 static std::unordered_set<irep_idt> gen_loop_locals_set(
278  const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph,
279  const std::size_t loop_id)
280 {
281  std::unordered_set<irep_idt> loop_locals;
282  for(const auto &target : loop_nesting_graph[loop_id].instructions)
283  {
284  auto loop_id_opt = dfcc_get_loop_id(target);
285  if(
286  target->is_decl() && loop_id_opt.has_value() &&
287  loop_id_opt.value() == loop_id)
288  {
289  loop_locals.insert(target->decl_symbol().get_identifier());
290  }
291  }
292  return loop_locals;
293 }
308 static std::unordered_set<irep_idt> gen_tracked_set(
309  const std::vector<std::size_t> &inner_loops_ids,
310  const std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &locals,
311  dirtyt &dirty,
312  const std::map<std::size_t, dfcc_loop_infot> &loop_info_map)
313 {
314  std::unordered_set<irep_idt> tracked;
315  for(const auto &ident : locals)
316  {
317  if(dirty(ident))
318  {
319  tracked.insert(ident);
320  }
321  else
322  {
323  // Check if this ident is touched by one of the inner loops
324  for(const auto inner_loop_id : inner_loops_ids)
325  {
326  if(is_assigned(dirty, ident, loop_info_map.at(inner_loop_id).assigns))
327  tracked.insert(ident);
328  }
329  }
330  }
331  return tracked;
332 }
335 {
336  explicit contract_clausest(const exprt::operandst &decreases)
338  {
339  }
343 };
348  const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph,
349  const std::size_t loop_id,
350  const irep_idt &function_id,
351  local_may_aliast &local_may_alias,
352  message_handlert &message_handler,
353  const namespacet &ns)
354 {
355  messaget log(message_handler);
356  const auto &loop = loop_nesting_graph[loop_id];
358  // Process loop contract clauses
359  exprt::operandst invariant_clauses = get_invariants(loop.latch);
360  exprt::operandst assigns_clauses = get_assigns(loop.latch);
362  // Initialise defaults
363  struct contract_clausest result(get_decreases(loop.latch));
365  // Generate defaults for all clauses if at least one type of clause is defined
366  if(
367  !invariant_clauses.empty() || !result.decreases_clauses.empty() ||
368  !assigns_clauses.empty())
369  {
370  if(invariant_clauses.empty())
371  {
372  // use a default invariant if none given.
373  result.invariant_expr = true_exprt{};
374  // assigns clause is missing; we will try to automatic inference
375  log.warning() << "No invariant provided for loop " << function_id << "."
376  << loop.latch->loop_number << " at "
377  << loop.head->source_location()
378  << ". Using 'true' as a sound default invariant. Please "
379  "provide an invariant the default is too weak."
380  << messaget::eom;
381  }
382  else
383  {
384  // conjoin all invariant clauses
385  result.invariant_expr = conjunction(invariant_clauses);
386  }
388  // unpack assigns clause targets
389  if(!assigns_clauses.empty())
390  {
391  for(auto &operand : assigns_clauses)
392  {
393  result.assigns.insert(operand);
394  }
395  }
396  else
397  {
398  // infer assigns clause targets if none given
399  auto inferred = dfcc_infer_loop_assigns(
400  local_may_alias, loop.instructions, loop.head->source_location(), ns);
401  log.warning() << "No assigns clause provided for loop " << function_id
402  << "." << loop.latch->loop_number << " at "
403  << loop.head->source_location() << ". The inferred set {";
404  bool first = true;
405  for(const auto &expr : inferred)
406  {
407  if(!first)
408  {
409  log.warning() << ", ";
410  }
411  first = false;
412  log.warning() << format(expr);
413  }
414  log.warning() << "} might be incomplete or imprecise, please provide an "
415  "assigns clause if the analysis fails."
416  << messaget::eom;
417  result.assigns.swap(inferred);
418  }
420  if(result.decreases_clauses.empty())
421  {
422  log.warning() << "No decrease clause provided for loop " << function_id
423  << "." << loop.latch->loop_number << " at "
424  << loop.head->source_location()
425  << ". Termination will not be checked." << messaget::eom;
426  }
427  }
428  return result;
429 }
432  const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph,
433  const std::size_t loop_id,
434  const irep_idt &function_id,
435  const std::map<std::size_t, dfcc_loop_infot> &loop_info_map,
436  dirtyt &dirty,
437  local_may_aliast &local_may_alias,
438  message_handlert &message_handler,
439  dfcc_libraryt &library,
440  symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
441 {
442  std::unordered_set<irep_idt> loop_locals =
443  gen_loop_locals_set(loop_nesting_graph, loop_id);
445  std::unordered_set<irep_idt> loop_tracked = gen_tracked_set(
446  loop_nesting_graph.get_predecessors(loop_id),
447  loop_locals,
448  dirty,
449  loop_info_map);
451  const namespacet ns(symbol_table);
452  struct contract_clausest contract_clauses = default_loop_contract_clauses(
453  loop_nesting_graph,
454  loop_id,
455  function_id,
456  local_may_alias,
457  message_handler,
458  ns);
460  std::set<std::size_t> inner_loops;
461  for(auto pred_idx : loop_nesting_graph.get_predecessors(loop_id))
462  {
463  inner_loops.insert(pred_idx);
464  }
466  std::set<std::size_t> outer_loops;
467  for(auto succ_idx : loop_nesting_graph.get_successors(loop_id))
468  {
469  outer_loops.insert(succ_idx);
470  }
472  auto &loop = loop_nesting_graph[loop_id];
473  const auto cbmc_loop_number = loop.latch->loop_number;
475  // Generate "write set" variable
476  const auto write_set_var = dfcc_utilst::create_symbol(
477  symbol_table,
479  function_id,
480  "__write_set_loop_" + std::to_string(cbmc_loop_number),
481  loop.head->source_location());
483  // Generate "address of write set" variable
484  const auto &addr_of_write_set_var = dfcc_utilst::create_symbol(
485  symbol_table,
487  function_id,
488  "__address_of_write_set_loop_" + std::to_string(cbmc_loop_number),
489  loop.head->source_location());
491  return {
492  loop_id,
493  cbmc_loop_number,
494  contract_clauses.assigns,
495  contract_clauses.invariant_expr,
496  contract_clauses.decreases_clauses,
497  loop_locals,
498  loop_tracked,
499  inner_loops,
500  outer_loops,
501  write_set_var,
502  addr_of_write_set_var};
503 }
506  const irep_idt &function_id,
507  goto_functiont &goto_function,
508  const exprt &top_level_write_set,
509  const dfcc_loop_contract_modet loop_contract_mode,
510  symbol_table_baset &symbol_table,
511  message_handlert &message_handler,
512  dfcc_libraryt &library)
513  : function_id(function_id),
514  goto_function(goto_function),
515  top_level_write_set(top_level_write_set),
516  ns(symbol_table)
517 {
518  dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht loop_nesting_graph;
519  goto_programt &goto_program = goto_function.body;
520  if(loop_contract_mode != dfcc_loop_contract_modet::NONE)
521  {
522  messaget log(message_handler);
523  dfcc_check_loop_normal_form(goto_program, log);
524  loop_nesting_graph = build_loop_nesting_graph(goto_program);
526  const auto head = check_inner_loops_have_contracts(loop_nesting_graph);
527  if(head.has_value())
528  {
530  "Found loop without contract nested in a loop with a "
531  "contract.\nPlease "
532  "provide a contract or unwind this loop before applying loop "
533  "contracts.",
534  head.value()->source_location());
535  }
537  auto topsorted = loop_nesting_graph.topsort();
539  for(const auto idx : topsorted)
540  {
541  topsorted_loops.push_back(idx);
542  }
543  }
545  // At this point, either loop contracts were activated and the loop nesting
546  // graph describes the loop structure of the function,
547  // or loop contracts were not activated and the loop nesting graph is empty
548  // (i.e. there might be some loops in the function but we won't consider them
549  // for the instrumentation).
550  // In both cases, we tag program instructions and generate the dfcc_cfg_infot
551  // instance from that graph's contents. The tags will decide against which
552  // write set the instructions are going to be instrumented (either the
553  // function's write set, or the write set of a loop), and each dfcc_loop_infot
554  // contained in the loop_info_map describes a loop to be abstracted by a
555  // contract.
557  tag_loop_instructions(goto_program, loop_nesting_graph);
559  // generate dfcc_cfg_loop_info for loops and add to loop_info_map
560  dirtyt dirty(goto_function);
561  local_may_aliast local_may_alias(goto_function);
563  for(const auto &loop_id : topsorted_loops)
564  {
565  loop_info_map.insert(
566  {loop_id,
568  loop_nesting_graph,
569  loop_id,
570  function_id,
572  dirty,
573  local_may_alias,
574  message_handler,
575  library,
576  symbol_table)});
578  if(loop_nesting_graph.get_successors(loop_id).empty())
579  top_level_loops.push_back(loop_id);
580  }
582  // generate set of top level of locals
583  top_level_local.insert(
587  for(auto target = goto_function.body.instructions.begin();
588  target != goto_function.body.instructions.end();
589  target++)
590  {
591  if(target->is_decl() && dfcc_is_loop_top_level(target))
592  top_level_local.insert(target->decl_symbol().get_identifier());
593  }
597 }
599 void dfcc_cfg_infot::output(std::ostream &out) const
600 {
601  out << "// dfcc_cfg_infot for: " << function_id << "\n";
602  out << "// top_level_local: {";
603  for(auto &id : top_level_local)
604  {
605  out << id << ", ";
606  }
607  out << "}\n";
609  out << "// top_level_tracked: {";
610  for(auto &id : top_level_tracked)
611  {
612  out << id << ", ";
613  }
614  out << "}\n";
616  out << "// loop:\n";
617  for(auto &loop : loop_info_map)
618  {
619  out << "// dfcc-loop_id:" << loop.first << "\n";
620  auto head = loop.second.find_head(goto_function.body);
621  auto latch = loop.second.find_latch(goto_function.body);
622  out << "// head:\n";
623  head.value()->output(out);
624  out << "// latch:\n";
625  latch.value()->output(out);
626  loop.second.output(out);
627  }
628  out << "// program:\n";
630  {
631  out << "// dfcc-loop-id:" << dfcc_get_loop_id(target).value();
632  out << " cbmc-loop-number:" << target->loop_number;
633  out << " top-level:" << dfcc_is_loop_top_level(target);
634  out << " head:" << dfcc_is_loop_head(target);
635  out << " body:" << dfcc_is_loop_body(target);
636  out << " exiting:" << dfcc_is_loop_exiting(target);
637  out << " latch:" << dfcc_is_loop_latch(target);
638  out << "\n";
639  target->output(out);
640  }
641 }
643 const exprt &
645 {
646  auto loop_id_opt = dfcc_get_loop_id(target);
648  loop_id_opt.has_value() &&
649  is_valid_loop_or_top_level_id(loop_id_opt.value()));
650  auto loop_id = loop_id_opt.value();
651  if(is_top_level_id(loop_id))
652  {
653  return top_level_write_set;
654  }
655  else
656  {
657  return loop_info_map.at(loop_id).addr_of_write_set_var;
658  }
659 }
661 const std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &
663 {
664  auto loop_id_opt = dfcc_get_loop_id(target);
666  loop_id_opt.has_value() &&
667  is_valid_loop_or_top_level_id(loop_id_opt.value()));
668  auto loop_id = loop_id_opt.value();
669  if(is_top_level_id(loop_id))
670  {
671  return top_level_tracked;
672  }
673  else
674  {
675  return loop_info_map.at(loop_id).tracked;
676  }
677 }
679 const std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &
681 {
682  auto loop_id_opt = dfcc_get_loop_id(target);
684  loop_id_opt.has_value() &&
685  is_valid_loop_or_top_level_id(loop_id_opt.value()));
686  auto loop_id = loop_id_opt.value();
687  if(is_top_level_id(loop_id))
688  {
689  return top_level_local;
690  }
691  else
692  {
693  return loop_info_map.at(loop_id).local;
694  }
695 }
697 const exprt &dfcc_cfg_infot::get_outer_write_set(std::size_t loop_id) const
698 {
699  PRECONDITION(is_valid_loop_id(loop_id));
700  auto outer_loop_opt = get_outer_loop_identifier(loop_id);
701  return outer_loop_opt.has_value()
702  ? get_loop_info(outer_loop_opt.value()).addr_of_write_set_var
704 }
706 const dfcc_loop_infot &
707 dfcc_cfg_infot::get_loop_info(const std::size_t loop_id) const
708 {
709  return loop_info_map.at(loop_id);
710 }
712 // find the identifier or the immediately enclosing loop in topological order
713 const std::optional<std::size_t>
714 dfcc_cfg_infot::get_outer_loop_identifier(const std::size_t loop_id) const
715 {
716  PRECONDITION(is_valid_loop_id(loop_id));
717  auto outer_loops = get_loop_info(loop_id).outer_loops;
719  // find the first loop in the topological order that is connected
720  // to our node.
721  for(const auto &idx : get_loops_toposorted())
722  {
723  if(
724  std::find(outer_loops.begin(), outer_loops.end(), idx) !=
725  outer_loops.end())
726  {
727  return idx;
728  }
729  }
730  // return nullopt for loops that are not nested in other loops
731  return std::nullopt;
732 }
734 bool dfcc_cfg_infot::is_valid_loop_or_top_level_id(const std::size_t id) const
735 {
736  return id <= loop_info_map.size();
737 }
739 bool dfcc_cfg_infot::is_valid_loop_id(const std::size_t id) const
740 {
741  return id < loop_info_map.size();
742 }
744 bool dfcc_cfg_infot::is_top_level_id(const std::size_t id) const
745 {
746  return id == loop_info_map.size();
747 }
750  goto_programt::const_targett target) const
751 {
752  PRECONDITION(target->is_decl() || target->is_dead());
753  auto &ident = target->is_decl() ? target->decl_symbol().get_identifier()
754  : target->dead_symbol().get_identifier();
755  auto &tracked = get_tracked_set(target);
756  return tracked.find(ident) != tracked.end();
757 }
758 #include <iostream>
765  const exprt &lhs,
766  const std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &local,
767  const std::unordered_set<irep_idt> &tracked)
768 {
769  auto root_objects = dfcc_root_objects(lhs);
771  // Check wether all root_objects can be resolved to actual identifiers.
772  std::unordered_set<irep_idt> root_idents;
773  for(const auto &expr : root_objects)
774  {
775  if(expr.id() != ID_symbol)
776  {
777  // This means that lhs contains either an address-of operation or a
778  // dereference operation, and we cannot really know statically which
779  // object it refers to without using the may_alias analysis.
780  // Since the may_alias analysis is also used to infer targets, for
781  // soundness reasons we cannot also use it to skip checks, so we check
782  // the assignment. If happens to assign to a mix of tracked and
783  // non-tracked identifiers the check will fail but this is sound anyway.
784  return true;
785  }
786  const auto &id = to_symbol_expr(expr).get_identifier();
788  {
789  // Skip the check if we have a single cprover symbol as root object
790  // cprover symbols are used for generic checks instrumentation and are
791  // de-facto ghost code. We implicitly allow assignments to these symbols.
792  // To make this really sound we should use a white list of known
793  // CPROVER symbols, because right now simply naming a symbol with the
794  // CPROVER prefix bypasses the checks.
795  if(root_objects.size() == 1)
796  {
797  return false;
798  }
799  else
800  {
801  // error out if we have a cprover symbol and something else in the set
802  throw analysis_exceptiont(
803  "LHS expression `" + format_to_string(lhs) +
804  "` in assignment refers to a cprover symbol and something else.");
805  }
806  }
807  root_idents.insert(id);
808  }
810  // The root idents set is Non-empty.
811  // true iff root_idents contains non-local idents
812  bool some_non_local = false;
813  // true iff root_idents contains some local that is not tracked
814  bool some_local_not_tracked = false;
815  // true iff root_idents contains only local that are not tracked
816  bool all_local_not_tracked = true;
817  // true iff root_idents contains only local that are tracked
818  bool all_local_tracked = true;
819  for(const auto &root_ident : root_idents)
820  {
821  bool loc = local.find(root_ident) != local.end();
822  bool tra = tracked.find(root_ident) != tracked.end();
823  bool local_tracked = loc && tra;
824  bool local_not_tracked = loc && !tra;
825  some_non_local |= !loc;
826  some_local_not_tracked |= local_not_tracked;
827  all_local_not_tracked &= local_not_tracked;
828  all_local_tracked &= local_tracked;
829  }
831  // some root identifier is not local, the lhs must be checked
832  if(some_non_local)
833  {
834  // if we also have a local that is not tracked, we know the check will
835  // fail with the current algorithm, error out.
836  if(some_local_not_tracked)
837  {
838  throw analysis_exceptiont(
839  "LHS expression `" + format_to_string(lhs) +
840  "` in assignment mentions both explicitly and implicitly tracked "
841  "memory locations. DFCC does not yet handle that case, please "
842  "reformulate the assignment into separate assignments to either "
843  "memory locations.");
844  }
845  return true;
846  }
847  else
848  {
849  // all root identifiers are local
850  // if they are all not tracked, we *have* to skip the check
851  // (and it is sound to do so, because we know that the identifiers that
852  // are not tracked explicitly are not dirty and not assigned to outside of
853  // their scope).
854  // if they are all tracked, we *can* skip the check, because they are all
855  // local to that scope anyway and implicitly allowed.
856  if(all_local_not_tracked || all_local_tracked)
857  {
858  return false;
859  }
860  else
861  {
862  // we have a combination of tracked and not-tracked locals, we know
863  // the check will fail with the current algorithm, error out.
864  throw analysis_exceptiont(
865  "LHS expression `" + format_to_string(lhs) +
866  "` in assignment mentions both explicitly and implicitly tracked "
867  "memory locations. DFCC does not yet handle that case, please "
868  "reformulate the assignment into separate assignments to either "
869  "memory locations.");
870  }
871  }
872 }
875 {
876  PRECONDITION(target->is_assign() || target->is_function_call());
877  const exprt &lhs =
878  target->is_assign() ? target->assign_lhs() : target->call_lhs();
879  if(lhs.is_nil())
880  return false;
882  lhs, get_local_set(target), get_tracked_set(target));
883 }
Thrown when an unexpected error occurs during the analysis (e.g., when the SAT solver returns an erro...
const std::optional< std::size_t > get_outer_loop_identifier(const std::size_t loop_id) const
Finds the DFCC id of the loop that contains the given loop, returns nullopt when the loop has no oute...
const std::vector< std::size_t > & get_loops_toposorted() const
std::unordered_set< irep_idt > top_level_local
Set of identifiers DECL at top level.
const exprt & top_level_write_set
std::vector< std::size_t > topsorted_loops
Loop identifiers sorted from most deeply nested to less deeply nested.
std::unordered_set< irep_idt > top_level_tracked
Set of identifiers DECL at top level.
bool is_top_level_id(const std::size_t id) const
True iff id is in the valid range for a loop id for this function.
const dfcc_loop_infot & get_loop_info(const std::size_t loop_id) const
Returns the loop info for that loop_id.
void output(std::ostream &out) const
goto_functiont & goto_function
std::vector< std::size_t > top_level_loops
Loop identifiers for top level loops (ie for loops that are not nested in in another loop).
const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > & get_tracked_set(goto_programt::const_targett target) const
Returns the subset of local variable that are explicitly tracked in the write set for the scope where...
bool must_check_lhs(goto_programt::const_targett target) const
True iff the lhs of an assignment must be checked against the ambient write set.
dfcc_cfg_infot(const irep_idt &function_id, goto_functiont &goto_function, const exprt &top_level_write_set, const dfcc_loop_contract_modet loop_contract_mode, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table, message_handlert &message_handler, dfcc_libraryt &library)
const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > & get_local_set(goto_programt::const_targett target) const
Returns the set of local variable for the scope where that target instruction is found.
const exprt & get_outer_write_set(std::size_t loop_id) const
Returns the write set of the outer loop of that loop or the top level write set if that loop has no o...
const exprt & get_write_set(goto_programt::const_targett target) const
Returns the write set variable for that instruction.
bool must_track_decl_or_dead(goto_programt::const_targett target) const
True iff a DECL ident must be tracked in the write set of the loop that contains the DECL.
bool is_valid_loop_id(const std::size_t id) const
True iff id is in the valid range for a loop id for this function.
const irep_idt & function_id
std::map< std::size_t, dfcc_loop_infot > loop_info_map
Map from loop identifier to loop info struct.
bool is_valid_loop_or_top_level_id(const std::size_t id) const
True iff id is in the valid range for a loop id or is equal to the top level id for this function.
Class interface to library types and functions defined in cprover_contracts.c.
Definition: dfcc_library.h:154
std::map< dfcc_typet, typet > dfcc_type
Maps enum values to the actual types (dynamically loaded)
Definition: dfcc_library.h:214
Describes a single loop for the purpose of DFCC loop contract instrumentation.
Definition: dfcc_cfg_info.h:39
const symbol_exprt addr_of_write_set_var
Symbol representing pointer to the stack allocated write set object for this loop.
void output(std::ostream &out) const
Prints a textual representation of the struct to out.
const exprt::operandst decreases
Decreases clause expression.
const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > local
Set of local identifiers locally DECL in loop instructions, excluding identifiers declared in nested ...
const std::set< exprt > assigns
Set of targets assigned by the loop, either user-provided or inferred.
const std::size_t cbmc_loop_id
Loop identifier assigned to this loop by traditional CBMC loop numbering.
std::optional< goto_programt::targett > find_latch(goto_programt &goto_program) const
const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > tracked
Subset of locals that must be tracked in the loop's write set.
const std::size_t loop_id
Loop identifier assigned by DFCC to this loop.
const exprt invariant
Loop invariant expression.
const std::set< std::size_t > outer_loops
Integer identifier of the outer loop(s) if they exists.
const std::set< std::size_t > inner_loops
Integer identifiers of inner loops of that loop.
std::optional< goto_programt::targett > find_head(goto_programt &goto_program) const
Finds the first instruction tagged as loop head and having the same loop identifier as this struct in...
const symbol_exprt write_set_var
Symbol representing the stack-allocated write set object for this loop.
Dirty variables are ones which have their address taken so we can't reliably work out where they may ...
Definition: dirty.h:28
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
std::vector< exprt > operandst
Definition: expr.h:58
A goto function, consisting of function body (see body) and parameter identifiers (see parameter_iden...
Definition: goto_function.h:24
goto_programt body
Definition: goto_function.h:26
parameter_identifierst parameter_identifiers
The identifiers of the parameters of this function.
Definition: goto_function.h:33
A generic container class for the GOTO intermediate representation of one function.
Definition: goto_program.h:73
instructionst instructions
The list of instructions in the goto program.
Definition: goto_program.h:622
instructionst::iterator targett
Definition: goto_program.h:614
instructionst::const_iterator const_targett
Definition: goto_program.h:615
A generic directed graph with a parametric node type.
Definition: graph.h:167
std::vector< node_indext > get_predecessors(const node_indext &n) const
Definition: graph.h:943
std::size_t size() const
Definition: graph.h:212
std::vector< node_indext > get_successors(const node_indext &n) const
Definition: graph.h:956
std::list< node_indext > topsort() const
Find a topological order of the nodes if graph is DAG, return empty list for non-DAG or empty graph.
Definition: graph.h:879
Thrown when we can't handle something in an input source file.
bool is_nil() const
Definition: irep.h:364
Class that provides messages with a built-in verbosity 'level'.
Definition: message.h:155
static eomt eom
Definition: message.h:297
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
The NIL expression.
Definition: std_expr.h:3073
const irep_idt & get_identifier() const
Definition: std_expr.h:160
The symbol table base class interface.
The Boolean constant true.
Definition: std_expr.h:3055
static std::optional< goto_programt::targett > check_has_contract_rec(const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph, const std::size_t loop_idx, const bool must_have_contract)
static bool is_assigned(dirtyt &dirty, const irep_idt &ident, assignst assigns)
static void tag_loop_instructions(goto_programt &goto_program, dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph)
Tags instructions of loops found in loop_nesting_graph with the loop identifier of the innermost loop...
static bool must_check_lhs_from_local_and_tracked(const exprt &lhs, const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &local, const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &tracked)
Returns true if the lhs to an assignment must be checked against its write set.
static const exprt::operandst & get_decreases(const goto_programt::const_targett &latch_target)
Extracts the decreases clause expression from the latch condition.
static const exprt::operandst & get_assigns(const goto_programt::const_targett &latch_target)
Extracts the assigns clause expression from the latch condition.
static const exprt::operandst & get_invariants(const goto_programt::const_targett &latch_target)
Extracts the invariant clause expression from the latch condition.
static std::unordered_set< irep_idt > gen_tracked_set(const std::vector< std::size_t > &inner_loops_ids, const std::unordered_set< irep_idt > &locals, dirtyt &dirty, const std::map< std::size_t, dfcc_loop_infot > &loop_info_map)
Compute subset of locals that must be tracked in the loop's write set.
static bool has_contract(const goto_programt::const_targett &latch_target)
Returns true iff some contract clause expression is attached to the latch condition of this loop.
static struct contract_clausest default_loop_contract_clauses(const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph, const std::size_t loop_id, const irep_idt &function_id, local_may_aliast &local_may_alias, message_handlert &message_handler, const namespacet &ns)
Generate defaults for all contract clauses of the loop with ID loop_id if at least one type of clause...
static std::optional< goto_programt::targett > check_inner_loops_have_contracts(const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph)
Traverses the loop nesting graph from top level loops and checks if all loops nested in loops that ha...
static dfcc_loop_infot gen_dfcc_loop_info(const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph, const std::size_t loop_id, const irep_idt &function_id, const std::map< std::size_t, dfcc_loop_infot > &loop_info_map, dirtyt &dirty, local_may_aliast &local_may_alias, message_handlert &message_handler, dfcc_libraryt &library, symbol_table_baset &symbol_table)
static std::unordered_set< irep_idt > gen_loop_locals_set(const dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht &loop_nesting_graph, const std::size_t loop_id)
Collect identifiers that are local to this loop only (excluding nested loop).
Class that computes CFG information about the loop structure of a GOTO function for the purpose of dy...
void dfcc_check_loop_normal_form(goto_programt &goto_program, messaget &log)
Checks and enforces normal form properties for natural loops of the given goto_program.
Checks normal form properties of natural loops in a GOTO program.
assignst dfcc_infer_loop_assigns(const local_may_aliast &local_may_alias, const loopt &loop_instructions, const source_locationt &loop_head_location, const namespacet &ns)
Infer a set of assigns clause targets for a natural loop.
bool dfcc_is_cprover_static_symbol(const irep_idt &id)
Returns true iff the symbol is one of the known CPROVER static instrumentation variables or ends with...
Dynamic frame condition checking library loading.
type of descriptors of assignable/freeable sets of locations
type of pointers to descriptors of assignable/freeable sets of locations
Enumeration representing the instrumentation mode for loop contracts.
Do not apply loop contracts.
dfcc_loop_nesting_grapht build_loop_nesting_graph(goto_programt &goto_program)
Builds a graph instance describing the nesting structure of natural loops in the given goto_program.
Builds a graph describing how loops are nested in a GOTO program.
bool dfcc_has_loop_id(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target, std::size_t loop_id)
void dfcc_set_loop_exiting(goto_programt::instructiont::targett &target)
void dfcc_set_loop_latch(goto_programt::instructiont::targett &target)
bool dfcc_is_loop_head(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target)
bool dfcc_is_loop_latch(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target)
bool dfcc_is_loop_top_level(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target)
void dfcc_set_loop_top_level(goto_programt::instructiont::targett &target)
void dfcc_set_loop_body(goto_programt::instructiont::targett &target)
std::optional< std::size_t > dfcc_get_loop_id(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target)
void dfcc_set_loop_id(goto_programt::instructiont::targett &target, const std::size_t loop_id)
bool dfcc_is_loop_exiting(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target)
bool dfcc_is_loop_body(const goto_programt::instructiont::const_targett &target)
void dfcc_set_loop_head(goto_programt::instructiont::targett &target)
Functions that allow to tag GOTO instructions with loop identifiers and loop instruction type: head,...
std::unordered_set< exprt, irep_hash > dfcc_root_objects(const exprt &expr)
Computes a set of root object expressions from an lvalue or assigns clause target expression.
Utility functions that compute root object expressions for assigns clause targets and LHS expressions...
Dynamic frame condition checking utility functions.
std::string format_to_string(const T &o)
Definition: format.h:43
static format_containert< T > format(const T &o)
Definition: format.h:37
Fresh auxiliary symbol creation.
#define Forall_goto_program_instructions(it, program)
std::set< exprt > assignst
Definition: havoc_utils.h:22
Field-insensitive, location-sensitive may-alias analysis.
double log(double x)
Definition: math.c:2776
Compute natural loops in a goto_function.
API to expression classes for Pointers.
Definition: invariant.h:463
exprt conjunction(const exprt::operandst &op)
1) generates a conjunction for two or more operands 2) for one operand, returns the operand 3) return...
Definition: std_expr.cpp:66
const symbol_exprt & to_symbol_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a symbol_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:272
std::string to_string(const string_not_contains_constraintt &expr)
Used for debug printing.
exprt::operandst decreases_clauses
contract_clausest(const exprt::operandst &decreases)
static symbol_exprt create_symbol(symbol_table_baset &, const typet &type, const irep_idt &function_id, const std::string &base_name, const source_locationt &source_location)
Adds a new symbol named function_id::base_name of type type with given attributes in the symbol table...
Definition: dfcc_utils.cpp:81