Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: collection of cycles in graph of abstract events
5 Author: Vincent Nimal
7 Date: 2012
9 \*******************************************************************/
14 #include "event_graph.h"
16 #include <util/message.h>
21  std::set<critical_cyclet> &set_of_cycles)
22 {
23  for(std::set<critical_cyclet>::const_iterator it=set_of_cycles.begin();
24  it!=set_of_cycles.end(); )
25  {
26  std::set<critical_cyclet>::const_iterator next=it;
27  ++next;
28  auto e_it=it->begin();
29  /* is there an event in the cycle not in thin-air events? */
30  for(; e_it!=it->end(); ++e_it)
31  if(thin_air_events.find(*e_it)==thin_air_events.end())
32  break;
34  if(e_it==it->end())
35  set_of_cycles.erase(*it);
37  it=next;
38  }
40 #ifdef DEBUG
41  for(std::set<event_idt>::const_iterator it=thin_air_events.begin();
42  it!=thin_air_events.end();
43  ++it)
44  egraph.message.debug()<<egraph[*it]<<";";
47 #endif
48 }
52  std::set<critical_cyclet> &set_of_cycles,
53  memory_modelt model)
54 {
55  /* all the events initially unmarked */
56  for(std::size_t i=0; i<egraph.size(); i++)
57  mark[i]=false;
59  std::list<event_idt>* order=nullptr;
60  /* on Power, rfe pairs are also potentially unsafe */
61  switch(model)
62  {
63  case TSO:
64  case PSO:
65  case RMO:
66  order=&egraph.po_order;
67  break;
68  case Power:
69  order=&egraph.poUrfe_order;
70  break;
72  case Unknown:
74  }
76  if(order->empty())
77  return;
79  /* if we only consider a limited part of the graph */
80  order=order_filtering(order);
82  if(order->empty())
83  return;
85  for(std::list<event_idt>::const_iterator
86  st_it=order->begin();
87  st_it!=order->end();
88  ++st_it)
89  {
90  event_idt source=*st_it;
91  egraph.message.debug() << "explore " << egraph[source].id << messaget::eom;
92  backtrack(
93  set_of_cycles,
94  source,
95  source,
96  false,
98  false,
99  false,
100  false,
101  irep_idt(),
102  model);
104  while(!marked_stack.empty())
105  {
106  event_idt up=marked_stack.top();
107  mark[up]=false;
108  marked_stack.pop();
109  }
110  }
112  /* end of collection -- remove spurious by thin-air cycles */
113  if(egraph.filter_thin_air)
114  filter_thin_air(set_of_cycles);
115 }
120  event_idt vertex,
121  event_idt source,
122  unsigned number)
123 {
124  critical_cyclet new_cycle(egraph, number);
125  bool incycle=false;
126  std::stack<event_idt> stack(point_stack);
128  while(!stack.empty())
129  {
130  event_idt current_vertex=stack.top();
131  stack.pop();
133  egraph.message.debug() << "extract: "
134  << egraph[current_vertex].get_operation()
135  << egraph[current_vertex].variable << "@"
136  << egraph[current_vertex].thread << "~"
137  << egraph[current_vertex].local
138  << messaget::eom;
140  if(!new_cycle.has_user_defined_fence)
141  {
142  new_cycle.has_user_defined_fence=egraph[current_vertex].is_fence();
143  }
145  if(current_vertex==vertex)
146  incycle=true;
148  if(incycle)
149  new_cycle.push_front(current_vertex);
151  if(current_vertex==source)
152  break;
153  }
155  return new_cycle;
156 }
160  std::set<critical_cyclet> &set_of_cycles,
161  event_idt source,
162  event_idt vertex,
163  bool unsafe_met, /* unsafe pair for the model met in the visited path */
164  event_idt po_trans, /* po-transition skips still allowed */
165  bool same_var_pair, /* in a thread, tells if we already met one rfi wsi fri */
166  bool lwfence_met, /* if we try to skip a lwsync (only valid for lwsyncWR) */
167  bool has_to_be_unsafe,
168  irep_idt var_to_avoid,
169  memory_modelt model)
170 {
171 #ifdef DEBUG
172  egraph.message.debug() << std::string(80, '-');
173  egraph.message.debug() << messaget::eom;
174  egraph.message.debug() << "marked size:" << marked_stack.size()
175  << messaget::eom;
176  std::stack<event_idt> tmp;
177  while(!point_stack.empty())
178  {
179  egraph.message.debug() << point_stack.top() << " | ";
180  tmp.push(point_stack.top());
181  point_stack.pop();
182  }
183  egraph.message.debug() << messaget::eom;
184  while(!tmp.empty())
185  {
186  point_stack.push(tmp.top());
187  tmp.pop();
188  }
189  while(!marked_stack.empty())
190  {
191  egraph.message.debug() << marked_stack.top() << " | ";
192  tmp.push(marked_stack.top());
193  marked_stack.pop();
194  }
195  egraph.message.debug() << messaget::eom;
196  while(!tmp.empty())
197  {
198  marked_stack.push(tmp.top());
199  tmp.pop();
200  }
201 #endif
203  // TO DISCUSS: shouldn't we still allow po-transition through it instead?
204  if(filtering(vertex))
205  return false;
207  egraph.message.debug() << "bcktck "<<egraph[vertex].id<<"#"<<vertex<<", "
208  <<egraph[source].id<<"#"<<source<<" lw:"<<lwfence_met<<" unsafe:"
209  <<unsafe_met << messaget::eom;
210  bool f=false;
211  bool get_com_only=false;
212  bool unsafe_met_updated=unsafe_met;
213  bool same_var_pair_updated=same_var_pair;
215  bool not_thin_air=true;
217  const abstract_eventt &this_vertex=egraph[vertex];
219  /* if a thread starts with variable x, the last event of this thread in the
220  cycle cannot be with x */
221  irep_idt avoid_at_the_end=var_to_avoid;
222  bool no_comm=false;
223  if(!avoid_at_the_end.empty() && avoid_at_the_end == this_vertex.variable)
224  no_comm=true;
226  /* if specified, maximum number of events reached */
227  if(max_var!=0 && point_stack.size()>max_var*3)
228  return false;
230  /* we only explore shared variables */
231  if(!this_vertex.local)
232  {
233  /* only the lwsyncWR can be interpreted as poWR (i.e., skip of the fence) */
234  if(lwfence_met && this_vertex.operation!=abstract_eventt::operationt::Read)
235  return false; // {no_comm=true;get_com_only=false;}//return false;
237  bool has_to_be_unsafe_updated=false;
238  // TODO: propagate this constraint within the optimisation
239  // -- no optimisation can strongly affect performances
240  /* tab[] can appear several times */
241  if(egraph.ignore_arrays ||
242  id2string(this_vertex.variable).find("[]")==std::string::npos)
243  {
244  /* no more than 4 events per thread */
248  {
249  if(events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]==4)
250  return false;
251  else
252  events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]++;
253  }
255  /* Multiple re-orderings constraint: if the thread on this cycles contains
256  more than one, ensure that an unsafe pair is not protected by another
257  relation in the thread. E.g., in Wx Rx Wy, under TSO, the rfi cannot be
258  delayed, since the only way to make this transformation matter is to
259  re-order also the two writes, which is not permitted on TSO. */
260  if(has_to_be_unsafe && point_stack.size() >= 2)
261  {
262  const event_idt previous=point_stack.top();
263  point_stack.pop();
264  const event_idt preprevious=point_stack.top();
265  point_stack.push(previous);
266  if(!egraph[preprevious].unsafe_pair(this_vertex, model) &&
268  egraph[preprevious].operation==
271  egraph[preprevious].operation==
274  egraph[preprevious].operation==
276  return false;
277  }
278  }
280  has_to_be_unsafe_updated=has_to_be_unsafe;
282  /* constraint 1.a: there is at most one pair of events per thread
283  with different variables. Given that we cannot have more than
284  three events on the same variable, with two in the same thread,
285  this means that we can have at most 2 consecutive events by po
286  with the same variable, and two variables per thread (fences are
287  not taken into account) */
288  if(!point_stack.empty() &&
289  egraph.are_po_ordered(point_stack.top(), vertex) &&
293  this_vertex.variable==egraph[point_stack.top()].variable)
294  {
295  if(same_var_pair ||
297  egraph[point_stack.top()].operation==
299  {
300  events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]--;
301  return false; // {no_comm=true;get_com_only=false;} //return false;
302  }
303  else
304  {
305  same_var_pair_updated=true;
306  if(events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]>=3)
307  get_com_only=true;
308  }
309  }
311  /* constraint 1.b */
312  if(!point_stack.empty() &&
313  egraph.are_po_ordered(point_stack.top(), vertex) &&
317  this_vertex.variable!=egraph[point_stack.top()].variable)
318  {
319  same_var_pair_updated=false;
320  }
322  /* constraint 2: per variable, either W W, R W, W R, or R W R */
326  {
327  const unsigned char nb_writes=writes_per_variable[this_vertex.variable];
328  const unsigned char nb_reads=reads_per_variable[this_vertex.variable];
330  if(nb_writes+nb_reads==3)
331  {
332  events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]--;
333  return false; // {no_comm=true;get_com_only=false;} //return false;
334  }
335  else if(this_vertex.operation==abstract_eventt::operationt::Write)
336  {
337  if(nb_writes==2)
338  {
339  events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]--;
340  return false; // {no_comm=true;get_com_only=false;} //return false;
341  }
342  else
343  writes_per_variable[this_vertex.variable]++;
344  }
345  else if(this_vertex.operation==abstract_eventt::operationt::Read)
346  {
347  if(nb_reads==2)
348  {
349  events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]--;
350  return false; // {no_comm=true;get_com_only=false;} //return false;
351  }
352  else
353  reads_per_variable[this_vertex.variable]++;
354  }
355  }
357  if(!point_stack.empty())
358  {
359  const abstract_eventt &prev_vertex=egraph[point_stack.top()];
360  unsafe_met_updated|=
361  prev_vertex.unsafe_pair(this_vertex, model) &&
362  !(prev_vertex.thread==this_vertex.thread &&
363  egraph.map_data_dp[this_vertex.thread].dp(prev_vertex, this_vertex));
364  if(unsafe_met_updated &&
365  !unsafe_met &&
366  egraph.are_po_ordered(point_stack.top(), vertex))
367  has_to_be_unsafe_updated=true;
368  }
370  point_stack.push(vertex);
371  mark[vertex]=true;
372  marked_stack.push(vertex);
374  if(!get_com_only)
375  {
376  /* we first visit via po transition, if existing */
377  for(wmm_grapht::edgest::const_iterator
378  w_it=egraph.po_out(vertex).begin();
379  w_it!=egraph.po_out(vertex).end(); w_it++)
380  {
381  const event_idt w=w_it->first;
382  if(w==source && point_stack.size()>=4
383  && (unsafe_met_updated
384  || this_vertex.unsafe_pair(egraph[source], model)) )
385  {
386  critical_cyclet new_cycle=extract_cycle(vertex, source, cycle_nb++);
387  not_thin_air=!egraph.filter_thin_air || new_cycle.is_not_thin_air();
388  if(!not_thin_air)
389  {
390  for(critical_cyclet::const_iterator e_it=new_cycle.begin();
391  e_it!=new_cycle.end();
392  ++e_it)
393  thin_air_events.insert(*e_it);
394  }
395  if((!egraph.filter_uniproc || new_cycle.is_not_uniproc(model)) &&
396  not_thin_air && new_cycle.is_cycle() &&
397  new_cycle.is_unsafe(model) /*&& new_cycle.is_unsafe_asm(model)*/)
398  {
399  egraph.message.debug() << new_cycle.print_name(model, false)
400  << messaget::eom;
401  set_of_cycles.insert(new_cycle);
402 #if 0
403  const critical_cyclet* reduced=new_cycle.hide_internals();
404  set_of_cycles.insert(*reduced);
405  delete(reduced);
406 #endif
407  }
408  f=true;
409  }
410  else if(!mark[w])
411  f|=
412  backtrack(
413  set_of_cycles,
414  source,
415  w,
416  unsafe_met_updated,
417  po_trans,
418  same_var_pair_updated,
419  false,
420  has_to_be_unsafe_updated,
421  avoid_at_the_end, model);
422  }
423  }
425  if(!no_comm)
426  {
427  /* we then visit via com transitions, if existing */
428  std::set<event_idt> edges_to_remove;
430  for(wmm_grapht::edgest::const_iterator
431  w_it=egraph.com_out(vertex).begin();
432  w_it!=egraph.com_out(vertex).end(); w_it++)
433  {
434  const event_idt w=w_it->first;
435  if(w < source)
436  edges_to_remove.insert(w);
437  else if(w==source && point_stack.size()>=4 &&
438  (unsafe_met_updated ||
439  this_vertex.unsafe_pair(egraph[source], model)))
440  {
441  critical_cyclet new_cycle=extract_cycle(vertex, source, cycle_nb++);
442  not_thin_air=!egraph.filter_thin_air || new_cycle.is_not_thin_air();
443  if(!not_thin_air)
444  {
445  for(critical_cyclet::const_iterator e_it=new_cycle.begin();
446  e_it!=new_cycle.end();
447  ++e_it)
448  thin_air_events.insert(*e_it);
449  }
450  if((!egraph.filter_uniproc || new_cycle.is_not_uniproc(model)) &&
451  not_thin_air && new_cycle.is_cycle() &&
452  new_cycle.is_unsafe(model) /*&& new_cycle.is_unsafe_asm(model)*/)
453  {
454  egraph.message.debug() << new_cycle.print_name(model, false)
455  << messaget::eom;
456  set_of_cycles.insert(new_cycle);
457 #if 0
458  const critical_cyclet* reduced=new_cycle.hide_internals();
459  set_of_cycles.insert(*reduced);
460  delete(reduced);
461 #endif
462  }
463  f=true;
464  }
465  else if(!mark[w])
466  f |= backtrack(
467  set_of_cycles,
468  source,
469  w,
470  unsafe_met_updated,
471  po_trans,
472  false,
473  false,
474  false,
475  irep_idt(),
476  model);
477  }
479  for(const event_idt e : edges_to_remove)
480  egraph.remove_com_edge(vertex, e);
481  }
483  if(f)
484  {
485  while(!marked_stack.empty() && marked_stack.top()!=vertex)
486  {
487  event_idt up=marked_stack.top();
488  marked_stack.pop();
489  mark[up]=false;
490  }
492  if(!marked_stack.empty())
493  marked_stack.pop();
494  mark[vertex]=false;
495  }
497  DATA_INVARIANT(!point_stack.empty(), "element required");
498  point_stack.pop();
500  /* removes variable access */
504  {
506  writes_per_variable[this_vertex.variable]--;
507  else
508  reads_per_variable[this_vertex.variable]--;
510  events_per_thread[this_vertex.thread]--;
511  }
512  }
514  /* transitivity of po: do the same, but skip this event
515  (except if it is a fence or no more po-transition skips allowed);
516  if the cycle explored so far has a thin-air subcycle, this cycle
517  is not valid: stop this exploration here */
518  if(skip_tracked.find(vertex)==skip_tracked.end()) // 25 oct
519  if(not_thin_air && !get_com_only &&
520  (po_trans > 1 || po_trans==0) &&
521  !point_stack.empty() &&
522  egraph.are_po_ordered(point_stack.top(), vertex) &&
525  egraph[point_stack.top()].operation==
528  !this_vertex.WRfence ||
529  egraph[point_stack.top()].operation==
531  {
532  skip_tracked.insert(vertex);
534  std::stack<event_idt> tmp;
536  while(!marked_stack.empty() && marked_stack.top()!=vertex)
537  {
538  tmp.push(marked_stack.top());
539  mark[marked_stack.top()]=false;
540  marked_stack.pop();
541  }
543  if(!marked_stack.empty())
544  {
545  DATA_INVARIANT(marked_stack.top() == vertex, "should match");
546  mark[vertex]=true;
547  }
548  else
549  {
550  while(!tmp.empty())
551  {
552  marked_stack.push(tmp.top());
553  mark[tmp.top()]=true;
554  tmp.pop();
555  }
556  mark[vertex]=true;
557  marked_stack.push(vertex);
558  }
560  if(!egraph[point_stack.top()].unsafe_pair(this_vertex, model))
561  {
562  /* tab[] should never be avoided */
563  if(egraph.ignore_arrays ||
564  id2string(this_vertex.variable).find("[]")==std::string::npos)
565  avoid_at_the_end=this_vertex.variable;
566  }
568  /* skip lwfence by po-transition only if we consider a WR */
569  // TO CHECK
570  const bool is_lwfence=
572  egraph[point_stack.top()].operation==
575  (!this_vertex.WRfence &&
576  egraph[point_stack.top()].operation==
579  for(wmm_grapht::edgest::const_iterator w_it=
580  egraph.po_out(vertex).begin();
581  w_it!=egraph.po_out(vertex).end(); w_it++)
582  {
583  const event_idt w=w_it->first;
584  f|=
585  backtrack(
586  set_of_cycles,
587  source,
588  w,
589  unsafe_met/*_updated*/,
590  (po_trans==0?0:po_trans-1),
591  same_var_pair/*_updated*/,
592  is_lwfence,
593  has_to_be_unsafe,
594  avoid_at_the_end,
595  model);
596  }
598  if(f)
599  {
600  while(!marked_stack.empty() && marked_stack.top()!=vertex)
601  {
602  event_idt up=marked_stack.top();
603  marked_stack.pop();
604  mark[up]=false;
605  }
607  if(!marked_stack.empty())
608  marked_stack.pop();
609  mark[vertex]=false;
610  }
612  skip_tracked.erase(vertex);
613  }
615  return f;
616 }
bool unsafe_pair(const abstract_eventt &next, memory_modelt model) const
operationt operation
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
bool empty() const
Definition: dstring.h:89
void hide_internals(critical_cyclet &reduced) const
data_typet::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: event_graph.h:70
bool is_unsafe(memory_modelt model, bool fast=false)
checks whether there is at least one pair which is unsafe (takes fences and dependencies into account...
std::string print_name(const critical_cyclet &redyced, memory_modelt model) const
std::set< event_idt > thin_air_events
Definition: event_graph.h:286
critical_cyclet extract_cycle(event_idt vertex, event_idt source, unsigned number_of_cycles)
extracts a (whole, unreduced) cycle from the stack.
void collect_cycles(std::set< critical_cyclet > &set_of_cycles, memory_modelt model)
Tarjan 1972 adapted and modified for events.
bool backtrack(std::set< critical_cyclet > &set_of_cycles, event_idt source, event_idt vertex, bool unsafe_met, event_idt po_trans, bool same_var_pair, bool lwsync_met, bool has_to_be_unsafe, irep_idt var_to_avoid, memory_modelt model)
see event_grapht::collect_cycles
void filter_thin_air(std::set< critical_cyclet > &set_of_cycles)
after the collection, eliminates the executions forbidden by an indirect thin-air
unsigned max_po_trans
Definition: event_graph.h:245
unsigned max_var
Definition: event_graph.h:244
messaget & message
Definition: event_graph.h:394
bool filter_thin_air
Definition: event_graph.h:392
mstreamt & debug() const
Definition: message.h:429
static eomt eom
Definition: message.h:297
graph of abstract events
wmm_grapht::node_indext event_idt
Definition: event_graph.h:32
bool is_lwfence(const goto_programt::instructiont &instruction, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: fence.cpp:35
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:40
This should be used to mark dead code.
Definition: invariant.h:525
This condition should be used to document that assumptions that are made on goto_functions,...
Definition: invariant.h:534
dstringt irep_idt
Definition: wmm.h:18
@ Unknown
Definition: wmm.h:19
Definition: wmm.h:20
Definition: wmm.h:22
Definition: wmm.h:21
@ Power
Definition: wmm.h:23