Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Abstract Interpretation
5 Author: Daniel Kroening, kroening@kroening.com
7 \*******************************************************************/
48 #include <iosfwd>
49 #include <memory>
51 #include <util/deprecate.h>
52 #include <util/json.h>
53 #include <util/message.h>
54 #include <util/xml.h>
58 #include "ai_domain.h"
59 #include "ai_history.h"
60 #include "ai_storage.h"
61 #include "is_threaded.h"
116 class ai_baset
117 {
118 public:
127  std::unique_ptr<ai_history_factory_baset> &&hf,
128  std::unique_ptr<ai_domain_factory_baset> &&df,
129  std::unique_ptr<ai_storage_baset> &&st,
130  message_handlert &mh)
131  : history_factory(std::move(hf)),
132  domain_factory(std::move(df)),
133  storage(std::move(st)),
134  message_handler(mh)
135  {
136  }
138  virtual ~ai_baset()
139  {
140  }
144  const irep_idt &function_id,
145  const goto_programt &goto_program,
146  const namespacet &ns)
147  {
148  goto_functionst goto_functions;
149  initialize(function_id, goto_program);
150  trace_ptrt p = entry_state(goto_program);
151  fixedpoint(p, function_id, goto_program, goto_functions, ns);
152  finalize();
153  }
157  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
158  const namespacet &ns)
159  {
160  initialize(goto_functions);
161  trace_ptrt p = entry_state(goto_functions);
162  fixedpoint(p, goto_functions, ns);
163  finalize();
164  }
167  void operator()(const abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model)
168  {
169  const namespacet ns(goto_model.get_symbol_table());
170  initialize(goto_model.get_goto_functions());
171  trace_ptrt p = entry_state(goto_model.get_goto_functions());
172  fixedpoint(p, goto_model.get_goto_functions(), ns);
173  finalize();
174  }
178  const irep_idt &function_id,
179  const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function,
180  const namespacet &ns)
181  {
182  goto_functionst goto_functions;
183  initialize(function_id, goto_function);
184  trace_ptrt p = entry_state(goto_function.body);
185  fixedpoint(p, function_id, goto_function.body, goto_functions, ns);
186  finalize();
187  }
195  {
196  return storage->abstract_traces_before(l);
197  }
205  {
208  INVARIANT(!l->is_end_function(), "No state after the last instruction");
209  return storage->abstract_traces_before(std::next(l));
210  }
222  {
223  return storage->abstract_state_before(l, *domain_factory);
224  }
235  {
238  INVARIANT(!l->is_end_function(), "No state after the last instruction");
239  return abstract_state_before(std::next(l));
240  }
244  {
245  return storage->abstract_state_before(p, *domain_factory);
246  }
249  {
250  locationt l = p->current_location();
251  INVARIANT(!l->is_end_function(), "No state after the last instruction");
253  locationt n = std::next(l);
255  auto step_return = p->step(
256  n,
257  *(storage->abstract_traces_before(n)),
259  // Caller history not needed as this is a local step
261  return storage->abstract_state_before(step_return.second, *domain_factory);
262  }
265  virtual void clear()
266  {
267  storage->clear();
268  }
276  virtual void output(
277  const namespacet &ns,
278  const irep_idt &function_id,
279  const goto_programt &goto_program,
280  std::ostream &out) const;
288  virtual jsont output_json(
289  const namespacet &ns,
290  const irep_idt &function_id,
291  const goto_programt &goto_program) const;
299  virtual xmlt output_xml(
300  const namespacet &ns,
301  const irep_idt &function_id,
302  const goto_programt &goto_program) const;
305  virtual void output(
306  const namespacet &ns,
307  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
308  std::ostream &out) const;
311  void output(
312  const goto_modelt &goto_model,
313  std::ostream &out) const
314  {
315  const namespacet ns(goto_model.symbol_table);
316  output(ns, goto_model.goto_functions, out);
317  }
320  void output(
321  const namespacet &ns,
322  const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function,
323  std::ostream &out) const
324  {
325  output(ns, irep_idt(), goto_function.body, out);
326  }
329  virtual jsont output_json(
330  const namespacet &ns,
331  const goto_functionst &goto_functions) const;
335  const goto_modelt &goto_model) const
336  {
337  const namespacet ns(goto_model.symbol_table);
338  return output_json(ns, goto_model.goto_functions);
339  }
343  const namespacet &ns,
344  const goto_programt &goto_program) const
345  {
346  return output_json(ns, irep_idt(), goto_program);
347  }
351  const namespacet &ns,
352  const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function) const
353  {
354  return output_json(ns, irep_idt(), goto_function.body);
355  }
358  virtual xmlt output_xml(
359  const namespacet &ns,
360  const goto_functionst &goto_functions) const;
364  const goto_modelt &goto_model) const
365  {
366  const namespacet ns(goto_model.symbol_table);
367  return output_xml(ns, goto_model.goto_functions);
368  }
372  const namespacet &ns,
373  const goto_programt &goto_program) const
374  {
375  return output_xml(ns, irep_idt(), goto_program);
376  }
380  const namespacet &ns,
381  const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function) const
382  {
383  return output_xml(ns, irep_idt(), goto_function.body);
384  }
386 protected:
389  virtual void
390  initialize(const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program);
393  virtual void initialize(
394  const irep_idt &function_id,
395  const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function);
399  virtual void initialize(const goto_functionst &goto_functions);
403  virtual void finalize();
407  trace_ptrt entry_state(const goto_programt &goto_program);
411  trace_ptrt entry_state(const goto_functionst &goto_functions);
417  trace_ptrt get_next(working_sett &working_set);
420  {
421  working_set.insert(t);
422  }
426  virtual bool fixedpoint(
427  trace_ptrt starting_trace,
428  const irep_idt &function_id,
429  const goto_programt &goto_program,
430  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
431  const namespacet &ns);
433  virtual void fixedpoint(
434  trace_ptrt starting_trace,
435  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
436  const namespacet &ns);
442  virtual bool visit(
443  const irep_idt &function_id,
444  trace_ptrt p,
445  working_sett &working_set,
446  const goto_programt &goto_program,
447  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
448  const namespacet &ns);
450  // function calls and return are special cases
451  // different kinds of analysis handle these differently so these are virtual
452  // visit_function_call handles which function(s) to call,
453  // while visit_edge_function_call handles a single call
454  virtual bool visit_function_call(
455  const irep_idt &function_id,
456  trace_ptrt p_call,
457  working_sett &working_set,
458  const goto_programt &goto_program,
459  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
460  const namespacet &ns);
462  virtual bool visit_end_function(
463  const irep_idt &function_id,
464  trace_ptrt p,
465  working_sett &working_set,
466  const goto_programt &goto_program,
467  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
468  const namespacet &ns);
470  // The most basic step, computing one edge / transformer application.
471  bool visit_edge(
472  const irep_idt &function_id,
473  trace_ptrt p,
474  const irep_idt &to_function_id,
475  locationt to_l,
476  trace_ptrt caller_history,
477  const namespacet &ns,
478  working_sett &working_set);
480  virtual bool visit_edge_function_call(
481  const irep_idt &calling_function_id,
482  trace_ptrt p_call,
483  locationt l_return,
484  const irep_idt &callee_function_id,
485  working_sett &working_set,
486  const goto_programt &callee,
487  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
488  const namespacet &ns);
491  std::unique_ptr<ai_history_factory_baset> history_factory;
494  std::unique_ptr<ai_domain_factory_baset> domain_factory;
498  virtual bool merge(const statet &src, trace_ptrt from, trace_ptrt to)
499  {
500  statet &dest = get_state(to);
501  return domain_factory->merge(dest, src, from, to);
502  }
505  virtual std::unique_ptr<statet> make_temporary_state(const statet &s)
506  {
507  return domain_factory->copy(s);
508  }
510  // Domain and history storage
511  std::unique_ptr<ai_storage_baset> storage;
516  {
517  return storage->get_state(p, *domain_factory);
518  }
520  // Logging
522 };
524 // Perform interprocedural analysis by simply recursing in the interpreter
525 // This can lead to a call stack overflow if the domain has a large height
527 {
528 public:
530  std::unique_ptr<ai_history_factory_baset> &&hf,
531  std::unique_ptr<ai_domain_factory_baset> &&df,
532  std::unique_ptr<ai_storage_baset> &&st,
533  message_handlert &mh)
534  : ai_baset(std::move(hf), std::move(df), std::move(st), mh)
535  {
536  }
538 protected:
539  // Override the function that handles a single function call edge
541  const irep_idt &calling_function_id,
542  trace_ptrt p_call,
543  locationt l_return,
544  const irep_idt &callee_function_id,
545  working_sett &working_set,
546  const goto_programt &callee,
547  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
548  const namespacet &ns) override;
549 };
560 template <typename domainT>
562 {
563 public:
564  // constructor
565  ait()
567  std::make_unique<
569  std::make_unique<ai_domain_factory_default_constructort<domainT>>(),
570  std::make_unique<location_sensitive_storaget>(),
571  no_logging)
572  {
573  }
575  explicit ait(std::unique_ptr<ai_domain_factory_baset> &&df)
577  std::make_unique<
579  std::move(df),
580  std::make_unique<location_sensitive_storaget>(),
581  no_logging)
582  {
583  }
588  // The older interface for non-modifying access
589  // Not recommended as it will throw an exception if a location has not
590  // been reached in an analysis and there is no (other) way of telling
591  // if a location has been reached.
592  DEPRECATED(SINCE(2019, 08, 01, "use abstract_state_{before,after} instead"))
593  const domainT &operator[](locationt l) const
594  {
595  auto p = storage->abstract_state_before(l, *domain_factory);
597  if(p.use_count() == 1)
598  {
599  // Would be unsafe to return the dereferenced object
600  throw std::out_of_range("failed to find state");
601  }
603  return static_cast<const domainT &>(*p);
604  }
606 protected:
607  // Support the legacy get_state interface which is needed for a few domains
608  // This is one of the few users of the legacy get_state(locationt) method
609  // in location_sensitive_storaget.
610  DEPRECATED(SINCE(2019, 08, 01, "use get_state(trace_ptrt p) instead"))
612  {
613  auto &s = dynamic_cast<location_sensitive_storaget &>(*storage);
614  return s.get_state(l, *domain_factory);
615  }
619 private:
622  void dummy(const domainT &s) { const statet &x=s; (void)x; }
624  // To keep the old constructor interface we disable logging
626 };
649 template<typename domainT>
650 class concurrency_aware_ait:public ait<domainT>
651 {
652 public:
653  using statet = typename ait<domainT>::statet;
654  using locationt = typename statet::locationt;
656  // constructor
658  {
659  }
660  explicit concurrency_aware_ait(std::unique_ptr<ai_domain_factory_baset> &&df)
661  : ait<domainT>(std::move(df))
662  {
663  }
665  virtual bool merge_shared(
666  const statet &src,
667  locationt from,
668  locationt to,
669  const namespacet &ns)
670  {
671  statet &dest=this->get_state(to);
672  return static_cast<domainT &>(dest).merge_shared(
673  static_cast<const domainT &>(src), from, to, ns);
674  }
676 protected:
680  ai_baset::trace_ptrt start_trace,
681  const goto_functionst &goto_functions,
682  const namespacet &ns) override
683  {
684  ai_baset::fixedpoint(start_trace, goto_functions, ns);
686  is_threadedt is_threaded(goto_functions);
688  // construct an initial shared state collecting the results of all
689  // functions
690  goto_programt tmp;
691  tmp.add_instruction();
692  goto_programt::const_targett sh_target = tmp.instructions.begin();
693  ai_baset::trace_ptrt target_hist =
694  ai_baset::history_factory->epoch(sh_target);
695  statet &shared_state = ait<domainT>::get_state(sh_target);
697  struct wl_entryt
698  {
699  wl_entryt(
700  const irep_idt &_function_id,
701  const goto_programt &_goto_program,
702  locationt _location)
703  : function_id(_function_id),
704  goto_program(&_goto_program),
705  location(_location)
706  {
707  }
709  irep_idt function_id;
710  const goto_programt *goto_program;
711  locationt location;
712  };
714  typedef std::list<wl_entryt> thread_wlt;
715  thread_wlt thread_wl;
717  for(const auto &gf_entry : goto_functions.function_map)
718  {
719  forall_goto_program_instructions(t_it, gf_entry.second.body)
720  {
721  if(is_threaded(t_it))
722  {
723  thread_wl.push_back(
724  wl_entryt(gf_entry.first, gf_entry.second.body, t_it));
727  gf_entry.second.body.instructions.end();
728  --l_end;
730  merge_shared(shared_state, l_end, sh_target, ns);
731  }
732  }
733  }
735  // now feed in the shared state into all concurrently executing
736  // functions, and iterate until the shared state stabilizes
737  bool new_shared = true;
738  while(new_shared)
739  {
740  new_shared = false;
742  for(const auto &wl_entry : thread_wl)
743  {
744  working_sett working_set;
746  ai_baset::history_factory->epoch(wl_entry.location));
747  ai_baset::put_in_working_set(working_set, t);
749  statet &begin_state = ait<domainT>::get_state(wl_entry.location);
750  ait<domainT>::merge(begin_state, target_hist, t);
752  while(!working_set.empty())
753  {
754  ai_baset::trace_ptrt p = ai_baset::get_next(working_set);
755  goto_programt::const_targett l = p->current_location();
758  wl_entry.function_id,
759  p,
760  working_set,
761  *(wl_entry.goto_program),
762  goto_functions,
763  ns);
765  // the underlying domain must make sure that the final state
766  // carries all possible values; otherwise we would need to
767  // merge over each and every state
768  if(l->is_end_function())
769  new_shared |= merge_shared(shared_state, l, sh_target, ns);
770  }
771  }
772  }
773  }
774 };
Abstract Interpretation Domain.
Abstract Interpretation history.
Abstract Interpretation Storage.
Abstract interface to eager or lazy GOTO models.
virtual const symbol_tablet & get_symbol_table() const =0
Accessor to get the symbol table.
virtual const goto_functionst & get_goto_functions() const =0
Accessor to get a raw goto_functionst.
The common case of history is to only care about where you are now, not how you got there!...
Definition: ai_history.h:155
This is the basic interface of the abstract interpreter with default implementations of the core func...
Definition: ai.h:117
virtual ~ai_baset()
Definition: ai.h:138
virtual cstate_ptrt abstract_state_after(const trace_ptrt &p) const
Definition: ai.h:248
xmlt output_xml(const namespacet &ns, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function) const
Output the abstract states for a single function as XML.
Definition: ai.h:379
goto_programt::const_targett locationt
Definition: ai.h:124
ai_baset(std::unique_ptr< ai_history_factory_baset > &&hf, std::unique_ptr< ai_domain_factory_baset > &&df, std::unique_ptr< ai_storage_baset > &&st, message_handlert &mh)
Definition: ai.h:126
void operator()(const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Run abstract interpretation on a whole program.
Definition: ai.h:156
virtual ctrace_set_ptrt abstract_traces_after(locationt l) const
Returns all of the histories that have reached the end of the instruction.
Definition: ai.h:204
virtual bool visit(const irep_idt &function_id, trace_ptrt p, working_sett &working_set, const goto_programt &goto_program, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Perform one step of abstract interpretation from trace t Depending on the instruction type it may com...
Definition: ai.cpp:267
std::unique_ptr< ai_storage_baset > storage
Definition: ai.h:511
ai_history_baset::trace_sett trace_sett
Definition: ai.h:122
jsont output_json(const namespacet &ns, const goto_programt &goto_program) const
Output the abstract states for a single function as JSON.
Definition: ai.h:342
void operator()(const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program, const namespacet &ns)
Run abstract interpretation on a single function.
Definition: ai.h:143
virtual ctrace_set_ptrt abstract_traces_before(locationt l) const
Returns all of the histories that have reached the start of the instruction.
Definition: ai.h:194
virtual cstate_ptrt abstract_state_after(locationt l) const
Get a copy of the abstract state after the given instruction, without needing to know what kind of do...
Definition: ai.h:234
bool visit_edge(const irep_idt &function_id, trace_ptrt p, const irep_idt &to_function_id, locationt to_l, trace_ptrt caller_history, const namespacet &ns, working_sett &working_set)
Definition: ai.cpp:328
virtual void output(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program, std::ostream &out) const
Output the abstract states for a single function.
Definition: ai.cpp:39
xmlt output_xml(const namespacet &ns, const goto_programt &goto_program) const
Output the abstract states for a single function as XML.
Definition: ai.h:371
jsont output_json(const goto_modelt &goto_model) const
Output the abstract states for a whole program as JSON.
Definition: ai.h:334
message_handlert & message_handler
Definition: ai.h:521
virtual bool visit_end_function(const irep_idt &function_id, trace_ptrt p, working_sett &working_set, const goto_programt &goto_program, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: ai.cpp:520
virtual cstate_ptrt abstract_state_before(const trace_ptrt &p) const
The same interfaces but with histories.
Definition: ai.h:243
virtual bool visit_function_call(const irep_idt &function_id, trace_ptrt p_call, working_sett &working_set, const goto_programt &goto_program, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: ai.cpp:441
trace_ptrt entry_state(const goto_programt &goto_program)
Set the abstract state of the entry location of a single function to the entry state required by the ...
Definition: ai.cpp:179
void operator()(const abstract_goto_modelt &goto_model)
Run abstract interpretation on a whole program.
Definition: ai.h:167
virtual bool visit_edge_function_call(const irep_idt &calling_function_id, trace_ptrt p_call, locationt l_return, const irep_idt &callee_function_id, working_sett &working_set, const goto_programt &callee, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: ai.cpp:413
void output(const goto_modelt &goto_model, std::ostream &out) const
Output the abstract states for a whole program.
Definition: ai.h:311
virtual void clear()
Reset the abstract state.
Definition: ai.h:265
std::unique_ptr< ai_domain_factory_baset > domain_factory
For creating domain objects.
Definition: ai.h:494
ai_domain_baset statet
Definition: ai.h:119
ai_storage_baset::ctrace_set_ptrt ctrace_set_ptrt
Definition: ai.h:123
virtual void initialize(const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program)
Initialize all the abstract states for a single function.
Definition: ai.cpp:194
xmlt output_xml(const goto_modelt &goto_model) const
Output the abstract states for the whole program as XML.
Definition: ai.h:363
virtual std::unique_ptr< statet > make_temporary_state(const statet &s)
Make a copy of a state.
Definition: ai.h:505
jsont output_json(const namespacet &ns, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function) const
Output the abstract states for a single function as JSON.
Definition: ai.h:350
virtual bool fixedpoint(trace_ptrt starting_trace, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns)
Run the fixedpoint algorithm until it reaches a fixed point.
Definition: ai.cpp:229
ai_history_baset::trace_ptrt trace_ptrt
Definition: ai.h:121
void put_in_working_set(working_sett &working_set, trace_ptrt t)
Definition: ai.h:419
trace_ptrt get_next(working_sett &working_set)
Get the next location from the work queue.
Definition: ai.cpp:211
trace_sett working_sett
The work queue, sorted using the history's ordering operator.
Definition: ai.h:414
virtual bool merge(const statet &src, trace_ptrt from, trace_ptrt to)
Merge the state src, flowing from tracet from to tracet to, into the state currently stored for trace...
Definition: ai.h:498
virtual cstate_ptrt abstract_state_before(locationt l) const
Get a copy of the abstract state before the given instruction, without needing to know what kind of d...
Definition: ai.h:221
virtual xmlt output_xml(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program) const
Output the abstract states for a single function as XML.
Definition: ai.cpp:136
void operator()(const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function, const namespacet &ns)
Run abstract interpretation on a single function.
Definition: ai.h:177
void output(const namespacet &ns, const goto_functionst::goto_functiont &goto_function, std::ostream &out) const
Output the abstract states for a function.
Definition: ai.h:320
virtual jsont output_json(const namespacet &ns, const irep_idt &function_id, const goto_programt &goto_program) const
Output the abstract states for a single function as JSON.
Definition: ai.cpp:83
std::unique_ptr< ai_history_factory_baset > history_factory
For creating history objects.
Definition: ai.h:491
virtual void finalize()
Override this to add a cleanup or post-processing step after fixedpoint has run.
Definition: ai.cpp:206
ai_storage_baset::cstate_ptrt cstate_ptrt
Definition: ai.h:120
virtual statet & get_state(trace_ptrt p)
Get the state for the given history, creating it with the factory if it doesn't exist.
Definition: ai.h:515
The interface offered by a domain, allows code to manipulate domains without knowing their exact type...
Definition: ai_domain.h:54
goto_programt::const_targett locationt
Definition: ai_domain.h:72
std::shared_ptr< const ai_history_baset > trace_ptrt
History objects are intended to be immutable so they can be shared to reduce memory overhead.
Definition: ai_history.h:43
static const trace_ptrt no_caller_history
Definition: ai_history.h:121
std::set< trace_ptrt, compare_historyt > trace_sett
Definition: ai_history.h:79
An easy factory implementation for histories that don't need parameters.
Definition: ai_history.h:255
ai_recursive_interproceduralt(std::unique_ptr< ai_history_factory_baset > &&hf, std::unique_ptr< ai_domain_factory_baset > &&df, std::unique_ptr< ai_storage_baset > &&st, message_handlert &mh)
Definition: ai.h:529
bool visit_edge_function_call(const irep_idt &calling_function_id, trace_ptrt p_call, locationt l_return, const irep_idt &callee_function_id, working_sett &working_set, const goto_programt &callee, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns) override
Definition: ai.cpp:539
std::shared_ptr< const trace_sett > ctrace_set_ptrt
Definition: ai_storage.h:54
std::shared_ptr< const statet > cstate_ptrt
Definition: ai_storage.h:49
ait supplies three of the four components needed: an abstract interpreter (in this case handling func...
Definition: ai.h:562
ait(std::unique_ptr< ai_domain_factory_baset > &&df)
Definition: ai.h:575
goto_programt::const_targett locationt
Definition: ai.h:585
null_message_handlert no_logging
Definition: ai.h:625
void dummy(const domainT &s)
This function exists to enforce that domainT is derived from ai_domain_baset.
Definition: ai.h:622
Definition: ai.h:565
virtual statet & get_state(trace_ptrt p)
Get the state for the given history, creating it with the factory if it doesn't exist.
Definition: ai.h:515
Base class for concurrency-aware abstract interpretation.
Definition: ai.h:651
concurrency_aware_ait(std::unique_ptr< ai_domain_factory_baset > &&df)
Definition: ai.h:660
virtual bool merge_shared(const statet &src, locationt from, locationt to, const namespacet &ns)
Definition: ai.h:665
Definition: ai.h:657
void fixedpoint(ai_baset::trace_ptrt start_trace, const goto_functionst &goto_functions, const namespacet &ns) override
Definition: ai.h:679
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
A collection of goto functions.
function_mapt function_map
::goto_functiont goto_functiont
symbol_tablet symbol_table
Symbol table.
Definition: goto_model.h:31
goto_functionst goto_functions
GOTO functions.
Definition: goto_model.h:34
A generic container class for the GOTO intermediate representation of one function.
Definition: goto_program.h:73
instructionst instructions
The list of instructions in the goto program.
Definition: goto_program.h:622
instructionst::const_iterator const_targett
Definition: goto_program.h:615
targett add_instruction()
Adds an instruction at the end.
Definition: goto_program.h:747
Definition: json.h:27
The most conventional storage; one domain per location.
Definition: ai_storage.h:154
statet & get_state(trace_ptrt p, const ai_domain_factory_baset &fac) override
Look up the analysis state for a given history, instantiating a new domain if required.
Definition: ai_storage.h:193
A namespacet is essentially one or two symbol tables bound together, to allow for symbol lookups in t...
Definition: namespace.h:94
Definition: xml.h:21
#define SINCE(year, month, day, msg)
Definition: deprecate.h:26
#define DEPRECATED(msg)
Definition: deprecate.h:23
Symbol Table + CFG.
#define forall_goto_program_instructions(it, program)
Over-approximate Concurrency for Threaded Goto Programs.
dstringt irep_idt