Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************\
3 Module: Symbolic Execution
5 Author: Daniel Kroening, kroening@kroening.com
7 \*******************************************************************/
12 #include "symex_assign.h"
14 #include <util/byte_operators.h>
15 #include <util/expr_util.h>
16 #include <util/pointer_expr.h>
17 #include <util/range.h>
19 #include "expr_skeleton.h"
20 #include "goto_symex_state.h"
21 #include "symex_config.h"
23 // We can either use with_exprt or update_exprt when building expressions that
24 // modify components of an array or a struct. Set USE_UPDATE to use
25 // update_exprt.
26 // #define USE_UPDATE
28 constexpr bool use_update()
29 {
30 #ifdef USE_UPDATE
31  return true;
32 #else
33  return false;
34 #endif
35 }
42 {
43  if(const auto &address_of = expr_try_dynamic_cast<address_of_exprt>(rhs))
44  {
45  if(
46  const auto &index =
47  expr_try_dynamic_cast<index_exprt>(address_of->object()))
48  {
49  if(index->array().id() == ID_string_constant && index->index().is_zero())
50  {
51  return true;
52  }
53  }
54  }
55  return false;
56 }
59  const exprt &lhs,
60  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
61  const exprt &rhs,
63 {
64  if(is_ssa_expr(lhs))
65  {
66  assign_symbol(to_ssa_expr(lhs), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
68  // Allocate shadow memory
69  if(shadow_memory.has_value())
70  {
71  bool is_string_constant_init = is_string_constant_initialization(rhs);
72  if(is_string_constant_init)
73  {
74  shadow_memory->symex_field_static_init_string_constant(
75  state, to_ssa_expr(lhs), rhs);
76  }
77  else
78  {
79  shadow_memory->symex_field_static_init(state, to_ssa_expr(lhs));
80  }
81  }
82  }
83  else if(lhs.id() == ID_index)
84  assign_array<use_update()>(to_index_expr(lhs), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
85  else if(lhs.id()==ID_member)
86  {
87  const typet &type = to_member_expr(lhs).struct_op().type();
88  if(type.id() == ID_struct || type.id() == ID_struct_tag)
89  {
90  assign_struct_member<use_update()>(
91  to_member_expr(lhs), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
92  }
93  else if(type.id() == ID_union || type.id() == ID_union_tag)
94  {
95  // should have been replaced by byte_extract
97  "assign_rec: unexpected assignment to union member");
98  }
99  else
101  "assign_rec: unexpected assignment to member of '" + type.id_string() +
102  "'");
103  }
104  else if(lhs.id()==ID_if)
105  assign_if(to_if_expr(lhs), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
106  else if(lhs.id()==ID_typecast)
107  assign_typecast(to_typecast_expr(lhs), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
109  {
110  // ignore
111  }
112  else if(lhs.id()==ID_byte_extract_little_endian ||
113  lhs.id()==ID_byte_extract_big_endian)
114  {
115  assign_byte_extract(to_byte_extract_expr(lhs), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
116  }
117  else if(lhs.id() == ID_complex_real)
118  {
119  // this is stuff like __real__ x = 1;
120  const complex_real_exprt &complex_real_expr = to_complex_real_expr(lhs);
122  const complex_imag_exprt complex_imag_expr(complex_real_expr.op());
124  complex_exprt new_rhs(
125  rhs, complex_imag_expr, to_complex_type(complex_real_expr.op().type()));
127  assign_rec(complex_real_expr.op(), full_lhs, new_rhs, guard);
128  }
129  else if(lhs.id() == ID_complex_imag)
130  {
131  const complex_imag_exprt &complex_imag_expr = to_complex_imag_expr(lhs);
133  const complex_real_exprt complex_real_expr(complex_imag_expr.op());
135  complex_exprt new_rhs(
136  complex_real_expr, rhs, to_complex_type(complex_imag_expr.op().type()));
138  assign_rec(complex_imag_expr.op(), full_lhs, new_rhs, guard);
139  }
140  else
142  "assignment to '" + lhs.id_string() + "' not handled");
143 }
146 struct assignmentt final
147 {
152 };
166  const ssa_exprt &lhs, // L1
167  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
168  const struct_exprt &rhs,
169  const exprt::operandst &guard)
170 {
171  const auto &components = to_struct_type(ns.follow(lhs.type())).components();
172  PRECONDITION(rhs.operands().size() == components.size());
174  for(const auto &comp_rhs : make_range(components).zip(rhs.operands()))
175  {
176  const auto &comp = comp_rhs.first;
177  const exprt lhs_field = state.field_sensitivity.apply(
178  ns, state, member_exprt{lhs, comp.get_name(), comp.type()}, true);
180  lhs_field.id() == ID_symbol,
181  "member of symbol should be susceptible to field-sensitivity");
183  assign_symbol(to_ssa_expr(lhs_field), full_lhs, comp_rhs.second, guard);
184  }
185 }
188  const ssa_exprt &lhs, // L1
189  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
190  const exprt &rhs,
191  const exprt::operandst &guard)
192 {
193  exprt l2_rhs =
194  state
195  .rename(
196  // put assignment guard into the rhs
197  guard.empty()
198  ? rhs
199  : static_cast<exprt>(if_exprt{conjunction(guard), rhs, lhs}),
200  ns)
201  .get();
203  assignmentt assignment{lhs, full_lhs, l2_rhs};
206  assignment.rhs = simplify_expr(std::move(assignment.rhs), ns);
208  const ssa_exprt l2_lhs = state
209  .assignment(
210  assignment.lhs,
211  assignment.rhs,
212  ns,
216  .get();
218  state.record_events.push(false);
219  // Note any other symbols mentioned in the skeleton are rvalues -- for example
220  // array indices -- and were renamed to L2 at the start of
221  // goto_symext::symex_assign.
222  const exprt l2_full_lhs = assignment.original_lhs_skeleton.apply(l2_lhs);
224  {
226  !check_renaming(l2_full_lhs), "l2_full_lhs should be renamed to L2");
227  }
228  state.record_events.pop();
230  auto current_assignment_type =
231  ns.lookup(l2_lhs.get_object_name()).is_auxiliary &&
233  std::string::npos
235  : assignment_type;
239  l2_lhs,
240  l2_full_lhs,
241  get_original_name(l2_full_lhs),
242  assignment.rhs,
243  state.source,
244  current_assignment_type);
246  const ssa_exprt &l1_lhs = assignment.lhs;
247  if(state.field_sensitivity.is_divisible(l1_lhs, false))
248  {
249  // Split composite symbol lhs into its components
251  ns,
252  state,
253  l1_lhs,
254  assignment.rhs,
255  target,
257  }
258 }
261  const ssa_exprt &lhs, // L1
262  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
263  const exprt &rhs,
264  const exprt::operandst &guard)
265 {
266  // Shortcut the common case of a whole-struct initializer:
267  if(rhs.id() == ID_struct)
268  assign_from_struct(lhs, full_lhs, to_struct_expr(rhs), guard);
269  else
270  assign_non_struct_symbol(lhs, full_lhs, rhs, guard);
271 }
274  const typecast_exprt &lhs,
275  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
276  const exprt &rhs,
278 {
279  // these may come from dereferencing on the lhs
280  exprt rhs_typecasted = typecast_exprt::conditional_cast(rhs, lhs.op().type());
281  expr_skeletont new_skeleton =
282  full_lhs.compose(expr_skeletont::remove_op0(lhs));
283  assign_rec(lhs.op(), new_skeleton, rhs_typecasted, guard);
284 }
286 template <bool use_update>
288  const index_exprt &lhs,
289  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
290  const exprt &rhs,
292 {
293  const exprt &lhs_array=lhs.array();
294  const exprt &lhs_index=lhs.index();
295  const typet &lhs_index_type = lhs_array.type();
297  PRECONDITION(lhs_index_type.id() == ID_array);
299  if(use_update)
300  {
301  // turn
302  // a[i]=e
303  // into
304  // a'==UPDATE(a, [i], e)
305  const update_exprt new_rhs{lhs_array, index_designatort(lhs_index), rhs};
306  const expr_skeletont new_skeleton =
307  full_lhs.compose(expr_skeletont::remove_op0(lhs));
308  assign_rec(lhs, new_skeleton, new_rhs, guard);
309  }
310  else
311  {
312  // turn
313  // a[i]=e
314  // into
315  // a'==a WITH [i:=e]
316  const with_exprt new_rhs{lhs_array, lhs_index, rhs};
317  const expr_skeletont new_skeleton =
318  full_lhs.compose(expr_skeletont::remove_op0(lhs));
319  assign_rec(lhs_array, new_skeleton, new_rhs, guard);
320  }
321 }
323 template <bool use_update>
325  const member_exprt &lhs,
326  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
327  const exprt &rhs,
329 {
330  // Symbolic execution of a struct member assignment.
332  // lhs must be member operand, which
333  // takes one operand, which must be a structure.
335  exprt lhs_struct = lhs.op();
337  // typecasts involved? C++ does that for inheritance.
338  if(lhs_struct.id()==ID_typecast)
339  {
340  if(to_typecast_expr(lhs_struct).op().id() == ID_null_object)
341  {
342  // ignore, and give up
343  return;
344  }
345  else
346  {
347  // remove the type cast, we assume that the member is there
348  exprt tmp = to_typecast_expr(lhs_struct).op();
350  if(tmp.type().id() == ID_struct || tmp.type().id() == ID_struct_tag)
351  lhs_struct=tmp;
352  else
353  return; // ignore and give up
354  }
355  }
357  const irep_idt &component_name=lhs.get_component_name();
359  if(use_update)
360  {
361  // turn
362  // a.c=e
363  // into
364  // a'==UPDATE(a, .c, e)
365  const update_exprt new_rhs{
366  lhs_struct, member_designatort(component_name), rhs};
367  const expr_skeletont new_skeleton =
368  full_lhs.compose(expr_skeletont::remove_op0(lhs));
369  assign_rec(lhs_struct, new_skeleton, new_rhs, guard);
370  }
371  else
372  {
373  // turn
374  // a.c=e
375  // into
376  // a'==a WITH [c:=e]
378  with_exprt new_rhs(lhs_struct, exprt(ID_member_name), rhs);
379  new_rhs.where().set(ID_component_name, component_name);
380  const expr_skeletont new_skeleton =
381  full_lhs.compose(expr_skeletont::remove_op0(lhs));
382  assign_rec(lhs_struct, new_skeleton, new_rhs, guard);
383  }
384 }
387  const if_exprt &lhs,
388  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
389  const exprt &rhs,
391 {
392  // we have (c?a:b)=e;
394  guard.push_back(lhs.cond());
395  assign_rec(lhs.true_case(), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
396  guard.pop_back();
398  guard.push_back(not_exprt(lhs.cond()));
399  assign_rec(lhs.false_case(), full_lhs, rhs, guard);
400  guard.pop_back();
401 }
404  const byte_extract_exprt &lhs,
405  const expr_skeletont &full_lhs,
406  const exprt &rhs,
408 {
409  // we have byte_extract_X(object, offset)=value
410  // turn into object=byte_update_X(object, offset, value)
413  if(lhs.id()==ID_byte_extract_little_endian)
414  byte_update_id = ID_byte_update_little_endian;
415  else if(lhs.id()==ID_byte_extract_big_endian)
416  byte_update_id = ID_byte_update_big_endian;
417  else
420  const byte_update_exprt new_rhs{
421  byte_update_id, lhs.op(), lhs.offset(), rhs, lhs.get_bits_per_byte()};
422  const expr_skeletont new_skeleton =
423  full_lhs.compose(expr_skeletont::remove_op0(lhs));
424  assign_rec(lhs.op(), new_skeleton, new_rhs, guard);
425 }
static irep_idt byte_update_id()
Expression classes for byte-level operators.
const byte_extract_exprt & to_byte_extract_expr(const exprt &expr)
static exprt guard(const exprt::operandst &guards, exprt cond)
Expression of type type extracted from some object op starting at position offset (given in number of...
std::size_t get_bits_per_byte() const
Expression corresponding to op() where the bytes starting at position offset (given in number of byte...
Complex constructor from a pair of numbers.
Definition: std_expr.h:1911
Imaginary part of the expression describing a complex number.
Definition: std_expr.h:2022
Real part of the expression describing a complex number.
Definition: std_expr.h:1979
dstringt has one field, an unsigned integer no which is an index into a static table of strings.
Definition: dstring.h:38
Expression in which some part is missing and can be substituted for another expression.
Definition: expr_skeleton.h:26
expr_skeletont compose(expr_skeletont other) const
Replace the missing part of the current skeleton by another skeleton, ending in a bigger skeleton cor...
static expr_skeletont remove_op0(exprt e)
Create a skeleton by removing the first operand of e.
Base class for all expressions.
Definition: expr.h:56
std::vector< exprt > operandst
Definition: expr.h:58
typet & type()
Return the type of the expression.
Definition: expr.h:84
operandst & operands()
Definition: expr.h:94
exprt apply(const namespacet &ns, goto_symex_statet &state, exprt expr, bool write) const
Turn an expression expr into a field-sensitive SSA expression.
void field_assignments(const namespacet &ns, goto_symex_statet &state, const ssa_exprt &lhs, const exprt &rhs, symex_targett &target, bool allow_pointer_unsoundness) const
Assign to the individual fields of a non-expanded symbol lhs.
bool is_divisible(const ssa_exprt &expr, bool disjoined_fields_only) const
Determine whether expr would translate to an atomic SSA expression (returns false) or a composite obj...
guardt guard
Definition: goto_state.h:58
std::stack< bool > record_events
renamedt< ssa_exprt, L2 > assignment(ssa_exprt lhs, const exprt &rhs, const namespacet &ns, bool rhs_is_simplified, bool record_value, bool allow_pointer_unsoundness=false)
renamedt< exprt, level > rename(exprt expr, const namespacet &ns)
Rewrites symbol expressions in exprt, applying a suffix to each symbol reflecting its most recent ver...
static bool is_read_only_object(const exprt &lvalue)
Returns true if lvalue is a read-only object, such as the null object.
field_sensitivityt field_sensitivity
symex_targett::sourcet source
exprt as_expr() const
Definition: guard_expr.h:46
The trinary if-then-else operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:2370
exprt & true_case()
Definition: std_expr.h:2397
exprt & false_case()
Definition: std_expr.h:2407
exprt & cond()
Definition: std_expr.h:2387
Array index operator.
Definition: std_expr.h:1465
exprt & array()
Definition: std_expr.h:1495
exprt & index()
Definition: std_expr.h:1505
const std::string & id_string() const
Definition: irep.h:387
void set(const irep_idt &name, const irep_idt &value)
Definition: irep.h:408
const irep_idt & id() const
Definition: irep.h:384
Extract member of struct or union.
Definition: std_expr.h:2841
const exprt & struct_op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2879
irep_idt get_component_name() const
Definition: std_expr.h:2863
const typet & follow(const typet &) const
Resolve type symbol to the type it points to.
Definition: namespace.cpp:49
bool lookup(const irep_idt &name, const symbolt *&symbol) const override
See documentation for namespace_baset::lookup().
Definition: namespace.cpp:148
Boolean negation.
Definition: std_expr.h:2327
Expression providing an SSA-renamed symbol of expressions.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:17
irep_idt get_object_name() const
Struct constructor from list of elements.
Definition: std_expr.h:1872
const componentst & components() const
Definition: std_types.h:147
void assign_byte_extract(const byte_extract_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, exprt::operandst &guard)
void assign_if(const if_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, exprt::operandst &guard)
const symex_configt & symex_config
Definition: symex_assign.h:67
void assign_non_struct_symbol(const ssa_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, const exprt::operandst &guard)
goto_symex_statet & state
Definition: symex_assign.h:64
void assign_array(const index_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, exprt::operandst &guard)
symex_targett & target
Definition: symex_assign.h:68
void assign_rec(const exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, exprt::operandst &guard)
void assign_symbol(const ssa_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, const exprt::operandst &guard)
Record the assignment of value rhs to variable lhs in state and add the equation to target: lhs#{n+1}...
void assign_struct_member(const member_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, exprt::operandst &guard)
symex_targett::assignment_typet assignment_type
Definition: symex_assign.h:65
const namespacet & ns
Definition: symex_assign.h:66
void assign_from_struct(const ssa_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const struct_exprt &rhs, const exprt::operandst &guard)
Assign a struct expression to a symbol.
void assign_typecast(const typecast_exprt &lhs, const expr_skeletont &full_lhs, const exprt &rhs, exprt::operandst &guard)
std::optional< shadow_memoryt > shadow_memory
Definition: symex_assign.h:63
virtual void assignment(const exprt &guard, const ssa_exprt &ssa_lhs, const exprt &ssa_full_lhs, const exprt &original_full_lhs, const exprt &ssa_rhs, const sourcet &source, assignment_typet assignment_type)=0
Write to a local variable.
Semantic type conversion.
Definition: std_expr.h:2068
static exprt conditional_cast(const exprt &expr, const typet &type)
Definition: std_expr.h:2076
The type of an expression, extends irept.
Definition: type.h:29
const exprt & op() const
Definition: std_expr.h:391
Thrown when we encounter an instruction, parameters to an instruction etc.
Operator to update elements in structs and arrays.
Definition: std_expr.h:2655
Operator to update elements in structs and arrays.
Definition: std_expr.h:2471
exprt & where()
Definition: std_expr.h:2491
Expression skeleton.
exprt make_and(exprt a, exprt b)
Conjunction of two expressions.
Definition: expr_util.cpp:346
Deprecated expression utility functions.
Symbolic Execution.
const std::string & id2string(const irep_idt &d)
Definition: irep.h:40
API to expression classes for Pointers.
Ranges: pair of begin and end iterators, which can be initialized from containers,...
ranget< iteratort > make_range(iteratort begin, iteratort end)
Definition: range.h:522
exprt get_original_name(exprt expr)
Undo all levels of renaming.
bool check_renaming(const typet &type)
Check that type is correctly renamed to level 2 and return true in case an error is detected.
Definition: shadow_memory.h:26
exprt simplify_expr(exprt src, const namespacet &ns)
This should be used to mark dead code.
Definition: invariant.h:525
Definition: invariant.h:463
const ssa_exprt & to_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast a generic exprt to an ssa_exprt.
Definition: ssa_expr.h:145
bool is_ssa_expr(const exprt &expr)
Definition: ssa_expr.h:125
exprt conjunction(const exprt::operandst &op)
1) generates a conjunction for two or more operands 2) for one operand, returns the operand 3) return...
Definition: std_expr.cpp:66
const if_exprt & to_if_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an if_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2450
const typecast_exprt & to_typecast_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a typecast_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2102
const complex_real_exprt & to_complex_real_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a complex_real_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2005
const struct_exprt & to_struct_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a struct_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1895
const member_exprt & to_member_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a member_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2933
const complex_imag_exprt & to_complex_imag_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to a complex_imag_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:2048
const index_exprt & to_index_expr(const exprt &expr)
Cast an exprt to an index_exprt.
Definition: std_expr.h:1533
const struct_typet & to_struct_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a struct_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:308
const complex_typet & to_complex_type(const typet &type)
Cast a typet to a complex_typet.
Definition: std_types.h:1146
Assignment from the rhs value to the lhs variable.
ssa_exprt lhs
expr_skeletont original_lhs_skeleton
Skeleton to reconstruct the original lhs in the assignment.
bool allow_pointer_unsoundness
Definition: symex_config.h:27
bool constant_propagation
Definition: symex_config.h:29
bool run_validation_checks
Should the additional validation checks be run? If this flag is set the checks for renaming (both lev...
Definition: symex_config.h:44
constexpr bool use_update()
static bool is_string_constant_initialization(const exprt &rhs)
Determine whether the RHS expression is a string constant initialization.
Symbolic Execution of assignments.
Symbolic Execution.