bv_utilst Member List

This is the complete list of members for bv_utilst, including all inherited members.

absolute_value(const bvt &op)bv_utilst
add(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilstinline
add_sub(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bool subtract)bv_utilst
add_sub(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, literalt subtract)bv_utilst
add_sub_no_overflow(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bool subtract, representationt rep)bv_utilst
adder(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, literalt carry_in)bv_utilstprotected
adder_no_overflow(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bool subtract, representationt rep)bv_utilstprotected
adder_no_overflow(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilstprotected
build_constant(const mp_integer &i, std::size_t width)bv_utilststatic
bv_utilst(propt &_prop)bv_utilstinlineexplicit
carry(literalt a, literalt b, literalt c)bv_utilst
carry_out(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, literalt carry_in)bv_utilst
concatenate(const bvt &a, const bvt &b)bv_utilststatic
cond_implies_equal(literalt cond, const bvt &a, const bvt &b)bv_utilst
cond_negate(const bvt &bv, const literalt cond)bv_utilst
cond_negate_no_overflow(const bvt &bv, const literalt cond)bv_utilstprotected
dadda_tree(const std::vector< bvt > &pps)bv_utilstprotected
divider(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, representationt rep)bv_utilstinline
divider(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bvt &res, bvt &rem, representationt rep)bv_utilst
equal(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilst
extension(const bvt &bv, std::size_t new_size, representationt rep)bv_utilststatic
extract(const bvt &a, std::size_t first, std::size_t last)bv_utilststatic
extract_lsb(const bvt &a, std::size_t n)bv_utilststatic
extract_msb(const bvt &a, std::size_t n)bv_utilststatic
full_adder(const literalt a, const literalt b, const literalt carry_in, literalt &carry_out)bv_utilst
inc(const bvt &op)bv_utilstinline
incrementer(const bvt &op, literalt carry_in)bv_utilst
incrementer(bvt &op, literalt carry_in, literalt &carry_out)bv_utilst
inverted(const bvt &op)bv_utilststatic
is_all_ones(const bvt &op)bv_utilstinline
is_constant(const bvt &bv)bv_utilststatic
is_int_min(const bvt &op)bv_utilstinline
is_not_zero(const bvt &op)bv_utilstinline
is_one(const bvt &op)bv_utilst
is_zero(const bvt &op)bv_utilstinline
lt_or_le(bool or_equal, const bvt &bv0, const bvt &bv1, representationt rep)bv_utilst
multiplier(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, representationt rep)bv_utilst
multiplier_no_overflow(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, representationt rep)bv_utilst
negate(const bvt &op)bv_utilst
negate_no_overflow(const bvt &op)bv_utilst
overflow_add(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, representationt rep)bv_utilst
overflow_negate(const bvt &op)bv_utilst
overflow_sub(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, representationt rep)bv_utilst
rel(const bvt &bv0, irep_idt id, const bvt &bv1, representationt rep)bv_utilst
remainder(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, representationt rep)bv_utilstinline
representationt enum namebv_utilst
saturating_add_sub(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bool subtract, representationt rep)bv_utilst
select(literalt s, const bvt &a, const bvt &b)bv_utilst
set_equal(const bvt &a, const bvt &b)bv_utilst
shift(const bvt &op, const shiftt shift, std::size_t distance)bv_utilststatic
shift(const bvt &op, const shiftt shift, const bvt &distance)bv_utilst
shiftt enum namebv_utilst
sign_bit(const bvt &op)bv_utilstinlinestatic
sign_extension(const bvt &bv, std::size_t new_size)bv_utilstinlinestatic
signed_divider(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bvt &res, bvt &rem)bv_utilst
signed_less_than(const bvt &bv0, const bvt &bv1)bv_utilst
signed_multiplier(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilst
signed_multiplier_no_overflow(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilstprotected
sub(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilstinline
unsigned_divider(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1, bvt &res, bvt &rem)bv_utilst
unsigned_less_than(const bvt &bv0, const bvt &bv1)bv_utilst
unsigned_multiplier(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilst
unsigned_multiplier_no_overflow(const bvt &op0, const bvt &op1)bv_utilstprotected
verilog_bv_has_x_or_z(const bvt &)bv_utilst
verilog_bv_normal_bits(const bvt &)bv_utilststatic
wallace_tree(const std::vector< bvt > &pps)bv_utilstprotected
zero_extension(const bvt &bv, std::size_t new_size)bv_utilstinlinestatic
zeros(std::size_t new_size)bv_utilstinlinestatic